Ugly Actions w/ a silver lining

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Draco was walking through the halls of Hogwarts as a head boy and he bumped into the one and only Hermione Granger. Apparently he hadn't been paying much attention to where he was walking and he had bumped into her and that caused her books to fall and scatter across the floor. Ever since he was a 1st year, he had been a total jerk to her and he was now very sorry for that. He apologized to her and they became friends. Later on however, he realized that all this time he had feelings for her and she realized that she had feelings for him too. She sent him an owl telling him to meet her in the Astronomy Tower at 7:00pm. They met and he told her this,

"Oh, Hi Hermione."

"Hey, Draco."

At the same time they said,

"I want to tell you something."

Draco stopped her and said,

"No, you go first."

She said,

"Fine, I'll go first. I have had feelings for you since 1st year even though I thought you were a snobby self-absorbed jerk."

Draco said,

"I have had the same feelings since 1st year as well. I thought that you were a self-confident know-it-all smart aleck."

Hermione said, "Do you maybe want to go out with me?"

Draco responded, "Yes. I would love that."

Suddenly both teens felt the inexplicable urge to kiss each other, so they did. It was like a hurricane of emotions came slamming down and the only way to get out of it was to kiss. It ended in a full on snogging session and it ended up in the Room Of Requirement and they cuddled for the rest of the night.

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