Truth Or Dare & Mistletoe

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Draco's POV:

    It was the night of Slughorn's Christmas Party and apparently Slughorn had placed enchanted mistletoe everywhere in his classroom where the party was. Hermione and I were the Head Boy & Girl  of our year at Hogwarts. The enchantment on the mistletoe wouldn't lift until the two people stuck under it kissed.  I was walking to the punch bowl when I bumped into someone and looked down to see a slightly annoyed Hermione staring back at me. I tried to walk away, but couldn't. I realized we were trapped under one of the enchanted mistletoe and had to kiss if we wanted to leave our situation. I said,

"Hermione, you realize that we are going to have to kiss if we want to get out of this."

"Yes, Draco I realize that, but do you want to kiss me?'

"I think I just might."

And with that Hermione kissed me with so much passion that it hurt to stop kissing her. I realized that I always had a crush on her since 1st year, but it was growing to the point of love. She had the same crush and we kept kissing until we realized that the spell had been lifted and all of our friends were staring at us kissing each other. It officially had become slightly embarrassing for both of us, but we knew in our hearts that it felt good. There were resounding oohs and aahs from the students as we kissed and when we stopped we got a round of applause. After the applause ended Pansy suggested that we play a game of Truth or Dare  and we formed a circle with Ron, Hermione, Harry, Ginny, then me, Pansy, and Blaise all sitting in a circle. Pansy started it off with asking Ron,

"Truth Or Dare?"


"I dare you to.....kiss your crush."

Ron surprisingly stands up and walks over to Pansy and kisses her which ends up in a snogging session. Apparently, both Ron and Pansy had secretly liked each other since they bumped into each other on the Hogwarts Express as first years. It was Ron's turn to ask someone Truth or Dare. When he talks to me he calls me Malfoy and I hate it, because it is not a last name I like due to its apparent history at Hogwarts. Anyway he asked me,

"Malfoy, Truth or Dare?"


"I dare you to kiss your the person you like the most."


"You also chose truth, so who do you like most of all everyone here?"

"Well, I have had a crush on Hermione over there for a while."

"Ok, then kiss her. We all saw that snogging session under the mistletoe earlier so, just kiss her again already."


I got up and pulled Hermione up off the floor and slid my arms around her waist and pressed my lips to hers. Everyone gauked for a while, but then started cheering and clapping. They clearly wanted us to kiss again. After everyone had gotten a chance at Truth or Dare we all said good night and went off to our dorms for bed. As I was leaving I heard someone  in my head say,

"Meet me out in the hall."

I was so intrigued by who it was even though I knew that it was Hermione talking. I said,


I followed everyone out the door and was stopped by Hermione in the hall. She began kissing me and I kissed back. When I pulled away I slip my hand into hers and we walked off towards the Head Dorm which was near the Room Of Requirment. We walked in and I went up to my room to change and then I went back downstairs and I found Draco in Pajama Pants with little Slytherin House Logos on them and snakes and a Grey T-Shirt. I was wearing Gryffindor Pajama Shorts and a Green T-Shirt. The shirt was Draco's so it looked like a dress on me. We snuggled underneath a Slytherin Green Blanket and fell asleep like that.

    In the morning I woke up and ran down to the kitchens to get coffee and some food for us. She woke up just as I left and pretended to sleep when I came back and set the coffee and muffins on the table in front of where we had fallen asleep. She drowsily woke up and smiled at me before giving me a kiss on the lips. She gladly drank her coffee and we took a walk by the Black Lake and when it got dark, we went back to our common room and put on our pj's from the night before and fell asleep the same way as last night, asleep in each others arms.

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