Chapter Five

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At lunch the next day, I was with Rebekkah like usual.

“So, about that text last night,” she said.

“What about it?” I asked.

“Why could it be ‘worth it’?” She used air quotes.

I said, “He’s such a jerk that it makes for a good story.”

There was commotion, and we looked to see Berny trip, spilling his lunch and books. Aaron grabbed napkins and ran over to help him.

Rebekkah looked back at me. “Are you talking about the same guy I’m talking about?”

“You know what? I don’t care if everyone else is brainwashed by his… good deeds,” I said. “I know the truth, and I’ll prove that I’m right.”

The bell rang, and Rebekkah rolled her eyes. “This conversation isn’t over.”

We got up to go to the next class.

o .  O  . o

Mr. Jackson was stood at the front of the room. “As you all know, we change seats every month because you guys have issues being quiet.”

A murmur went through the class.

“So today, I will be announcing your new seats,” he continued. “Everyone get up and get your stuff of the desks.”

Everyone in the classroom stood up and gathered their stuff in their arms.

“Cayda, you’re staying where you’re at.”

I didn’t mind. I was in the third row; I wasn’t in the back, but I wasn’t in the front.

“Aaron, you’re her new table partner.”

I froze and trued not to give away my uncomfortable feelings as Aaron brought his books over and took Noah’s place. I didn’t even pay attention to who all was sitting where. I just kept asking myself the same question over and over: “Why me?”

Mr. Jackson started class by saying, “Now, if you will get out your worksheets you were supposed to have completed…”

But I didn’t really care about it. I just couldn’t wait to get out of here.

When class ended after an eternity, I took my time to go to my locker and go through all my folders. I walked into the English room right as Mrs. Carter started the lesson. I didn’t feel like talking to Rebekkah today.

o .  O  . o

Aaron and I were both sitting on the couch in is room, asking him a few questions I had come up with.

“Bikini or one piece?” I asked.

“Um… I don’t know,” he said. “Whatever she is comfortable wearing, I guess.”

“What?!” I exclaimed. “Normally guys are all over that.”

“I’m just not comfortable answering that,” he said with a chuckle.

I shook my head in disapproval. “Never mind! Boxers or briefs?”

“Wait… for the girl or for me?”

I laughed. “For you, idiot!”

“Just making sure,” he said defensively. “And the answer is boxers.”

“So you are comfortable enough answering that question, but not the bikini one?”

He didn’t respond.

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