Chapter Three

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DEDICATION: aria95 who made me some amazing covers. My new story cover is thanks to this amazing wattpad member and the side image for the chapter another example of excellent work. Keep it up guys! xx

“I heard about Jacob,” Michael took a seat next to me. “Does this mean you are finally going to speak to Annabelle?”

He had a point. After finding out that this young girl had saved one of my own when she should have been fighting against my alphas pack I hadn’t been able to stop the thoughts running through my head.

Why had she saved Jacob?

Why had she killed one of her own pack?

Was there a reason for her disloyalty or was it a desperate attempt to save her own skin when she realised her own pack was going to be defeated?

So many questions I needed the answers to, and considering I didn’t trust the word of any of the pack who still resented us for locking them away, I needed to speak to her in person.

It was, however, more nerve-wracking than I had anticipated.

I had killed many, fought battles when we were severely outnumbered and still come out the victor, and yet when it came to this female wolf I felt my stomach churn in nervousness.

What was wrong with me?

“Do you want me to speak to her?” Michael offered, though soon retracted his offer as soon as he took one look at my face. “Or you could do it.”

Running a hand through my dark blonde hair I scowled, eyes flashing as my wolf paced against the surface before I rolled my shoulders and straightened up from where I was sitting. She was an nobody. She had no authority over me, and the only reason she was even affecting me was due to my wolf having some kind of affection towards her.

Rising I turned to face Michael, “you can take over training for this afternoon. I will head down after I’ve finished here to check on progress.”

Michael nodded. “And if Jacob shows up?”

“Send him away. If he defies my authority and orders again we will be having serious problems. I am still coming up with the best method to teach him that withholding information from me has consequences he will not find pleasing.”

Michael nodded. “Sure. Let me know how it goes, yeah?”

Watching him leave after I signalled that yes, I would solve his own curiosity by telling him what happens, I made my way over towards the small table at the edge of the library, the fellow wolves and humans watching me warily when they didn’t think I noticed.

It was naïve of them if they believed I wasn’t constantly aware of my surroundings.

It wasn’t until I was only a few feet away that her scent hit me. Having been previously blunted by the downfall of rain when I had followed her the night before her undiluted scent hadn’t registered as much of an importance, but scenting her now, soft oranges and citric lemon, I had never smelled anything like it before.

It was nice.


In fact it was more than nice, it made my wolf practically purr in a manner that I had never experienced before and my nostrils flared as I greedily took in lungful’s of the delectable and rememberable scent. The more I breathed in the more my mouth watered. It was addicting.

She hadn’t noticed me as I stood behind her, curiosity getting the better of me as I leaned over her shoulder while making sure to keep my distance as I took in the chapter she was reading.

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