Chapter 10 - Thoughts

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Recap of last chapter:

"Y/n, I have my question for you!" Kokomi exclaimed, "Okay- I'm listening." I said making eye contact. "You live with Saiki and his family, right?" I slowly nodded.

"How do you feel about Saiki?" She finally asked.

"Um, well.. I- erm I don't know? We really don't talk that much. I just live t-there I guess?" I stuttered and flipped over my words.

Come to think of it, how do I feel about Saiki?


"Well, I do live with him," I started, beads of sweat made their way down my neck. "He's cute I guess..?" The two other girls turned to me, Imu and Chiyo had fear in their eyes, Imu mouthed 'Kokomi likes him' to me.

"Don't worry! I-it.. it isn't like I.. l-like..him..." I claimed, I tried my hardest to ignore the feeling of falling inside of my own emotions.

"...Where is the r-restroom.?" I asked Kokomi on the verge of panicking. I needed to think of an excuse to leave, after the blue haired girl showed me to the bathroom, I fumbled out my phone and texted Saiki. We haven't been talking much but if I asked him to save me from Kokomi he'd do it right away.

Y/n: Saiki, come pick me up. Teruhashi kept interrogating me

Saiki☆: tell her you want to leave, then go outside and i'll walk home with you.

Y/n: Thanks! It means the world.
*message read at 23:47*

"Wow so much for thanking him." I sighed to myself, as I put my phone away. I stood up from my spot the tiled floor, washed my hands and left the bathroom.

"Hey Kokomi? Would it be alright if I went home?" I asked the girl painting her nails. "I don't mind, but what's going on?" She pondered not even looking up.

I hadn't thought of a lie up until this point, I needed to make one up on the spot.

"Saiki, um.. He called me and told me his dads cat was sick.." I hesitated, I had to admit. This was by far the worst lie I had ever made up. "Okay, tell Saiki-kun my condolences for the cat!" She exclaimed on my way out.

While I was walking I remember Saiki told me to look for him behind the family's house gate. As instructed, I found him where he said he would be.

"I told her your father's cat was sick-"

"I know, She believed it." The pink haired boy cut me off by putting his hand over my mouth, he started frantically looking around.

His eyes stopped when he saw a familiar glow.

"You told me the cat was sick so you could sneak out with Saiki?!" Kokomi fumed as she saw the two of us. To make matters worse Saiki still had his hand over my lips to silence me. After I pryed his hand off, I explained to her that he was walking me home because it was late. Thankfully she believed me once more. She then personally gave her condolences to Saiki for the cat that wasn't actually sick.

As soon as we got a good distance from the blue haired girls house, something came to my mind. I hesitated for a couple minutes, if I don't ask right now, the chances of me asking later on are low. My mini mental pep talk had helped me gain a reasonable amount of courage before I had tapped the strawberry headed boy on the shoulder.

"Kuu~chan" I began, for I often hear Kurumi call him cute names, "Are you cold?" I wanted to make small talk with the boy. Lately we hadn't been talking as much as we used to. I hope he wasn't mad at me for something.

"Not at all." He answered flatly, not seeming to want to talk. Although it was dark I tried to distinguish his facial expression. Crazy enough it seemed he had been blushing.

"Kusuo, why is your face so red?" I asked before bringing my palm to his forehead. He was burning up. "You're burning up! We need to get home before your mom worries."

We quietly finished our walk back to the boys home where his mother had greeted me saying she was glad I returned safely, and that she was the reason Saiki came to pick me up. I headed up to my room, laid down in my bed and looked up. Before I realized it, tears starting streaming down my face uncontrollably.

why is it so hard for me to understand feelings ?


word count: 761

another short chapter im so sorry. i havent been super inspired to write lately, saiki is such a hard character to write about in a romance. for anyone wondering, i did move states. i got here safely thankfully. i went through a big time change. im in eastern time if anyone needed to reach me ever. it's also 2:30am so i should probably sleep. but id like to thank everyone because we have 800 reads. it's so crazy to think people actually read this trash. my writing has depleted so much since i had started this story. once again, im sorry.

Droplets - Saiki Kusou x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora