Chapter Three

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Delbert watched with wide eyes as Sarah finished bandaging Zeizei's middle, and the grey-skinned woman pulled her bloody blouse over her bandaged torso. She then stood up with a heavy groan, and Delbert arched a brow seeing the two humps on her back bulge a bit.

Zeizei gave a low huff as she ran her fingers through her crimson hair, before she looked out the window. She silently limped over to the window and looked out at the sky. It was still the early hours, and the Nebula outside was breathtaking, per usual Zeizei's blue eyes--deep cobalt blue eyes that reflected the lights of the Stars--softened a bit as she leaned on the windowsill, tuning out the vacant stars of the characters behind her.

Delbert blinked and came from his trance before he turned to Sarah, "What were you thinking? Bringing a total stranger in here?!" he whisper-shouted.

"Ok, one:" Sarah held up a single finger, "I did not bring her in here,  she stumbled in here on her own. And two: she was hurt, what were we supposed to do?"

"Need I remind you, the last time you brought a stranger in here . . .  it led to the Benbow burning down?" Delbert retaliated, "And this character is just as shady as any pirate."  he jabbed a thumb to Zeizei who was staring aimlessly out the window, "I don't even know what kind of alien she is! Not to mention,  the way she speaks and the way she's huddling in those shadows is extremely concerning." he whispered frantically, making Sarah facepalm.

BEN blinked, before he spoke, "Wait . . . hey, you're right. Never seen anyone like her either." he said rather loudly, making Jim roll his eyes.

"Not important." Jim said, with a sigh, before he walked over to Zeizei, "Hey."  he said quietly.

Zeizei's long, elf-like ear twitched, hearing his every movement, before she turned her head to him as Morph floated over to her and squealed happily, nuzzling up to her. Jim chuckled at that, "Morph seems to really like you." he said, trying to stir up a casual conversation.

Zeizei hummed as she scratched the pink blob with her finger, "Aye, Seems that way." she said softly, before she spoke again, her eyes meeting his, "I understand yer worry, lad. Bringin' a complete stranger to such an establishment warrants . . . caution." she gently shooed Morph away before she pushed away from the windowsill with a groan, clutching her middle, "But, ye can have me word--for at it be worth--I ain't here to harm . . ." she winced again.

Jim glanced down to her middle where the wound was, "So . . . how did that happen?" he asked as BEN walked over to her, and examined her features.

Zeizei gave BEN a sidelong look, before she chuckled faintly, "Full o' questions, ain't ye?" she said as she walked up to him, and straightened a little bit, showing of her frame. She was nearly a full six feet tall, with broad shoulders. She was obviously a very athletic and fit individual. Jim could see it in her shoulders, her flat abdomen and bulging calves.

Zeizei chuckled a bit, "Tell ya tha' truth, lad, I be runin'." she said softly with a sigh.

BEN gasped, "Running from who?! Pirates? The law?!" he grabbed her shoulders,"Who, woman?! WHO?!"

Zeizei grumbled and pried the clingy robot off of her, "Easy, ya tin can." she dusted off her bloody tunic before she eased into a chair with a low moan of pain, "Just a . . ." she took a breath, thinking her next words carefully, " . . . someone . . . who I hurt. An old friend, if you will."

Sarah arched a brow, "What could you have possibly done to push him to try and slice you in half?" she asked.

Zeizei hummed, "That . . ." she coughed a bit, "that be a story for another time." she mumbled, she then turned to Delbert, "Oy, you." she said, making him yelp, and turn to her,  "Where be the nearest space port?" she asked softly, wincing in pain again.

Delbert blinked before he answered, "T-the Montressor Spaceport." he said, pointing to the crescent moon out the window, "But, why do you ask?"

"I be needin' a ship." Zeizei said softly, "I . . ." she sighed again as she reached down to her boot.

BEN gasped,  "Watch out, she's got a gun!!" he hid behind a table.

Jim tensed and watched her closely as Zeizei reached into her boot and pulled out a slip of paper. Jim then turned to BEN with a deadpan, "It's just paper, BEN, you're fine."

"Oh . . .hehe . . . sorry, Jimmy." BEN said as he tentatively came out from behind the table.

Zeizei rolled her eyes, "I be lookin' for me family." she said as she unfurled the old paper and lay it out on a nearby table to reveal a very complex map.

Delbert adjusted his glasses, "My word . . . I have never seen anything like this." he traced his calloused fingers over the runes and markings, "Nor have I ever seen this language." he mumbled.

"You're family?" Sarah asked, "Did you loose them?"

Zeizei shrugged, "I don't know." she said simply, "Me mother sent me away when I be just a tyke. I want to find out what happened to her, and me clan." she shrugged, "But I need a damn ship to get from a to b." she ran her fingers through her shaven, crimson hair.

Zeizei sat back in her chair and groaned in pain again, as Delbert took the map into his hands, "W-wait, you can understand these runes?" he asked, his eyes going wide.

"Aye." Zeizei replied as she shifted uncomfortably, "Hence why I be lettin' ye oogle at it, t'ain't anyone I met who can read that map aside from me." she said softly.

Delbert hummed as he handed the map back to Zeizei who folded it and shoved it back into her boot, she then heaved herself up and groaned, before she grabbed her torn cloak and putting it around her shoulders, "I thank ye, for her help." she said, "But, I best be on me way." she said softly.

Sarah gazed at her with sympathy before she spoke, "Stay the night." she offered, "Get a good rest, have a meal."

Zeizei stared at her with wide eyes,  "I could never do that ta ye, Lass." she said softly, "I be a burden enough as it is."

Jim chuckled, "Trust me, you're no burden." he said as Morph nuzzled under her jaw again, making. her chuckle, "Besides, that wound needs time to heal a bit."

Zeizei chuckled, as she tickled Morph, making him giggle, "Ah . . ." she relented, "who be a humble traveler to turn down food and a bed for the night?"

Sarah smiled, "I'll get the bed ready." she left to go upstairs.

Delbert sighed a bit, "Well, I'll be off then." he grabbed his briefcase--what he orginally came here for--then spoke agains, "I will bring Amelia tomorrow, perhaps she can shine some light on that map of yours, or . . . who you are."  he said.

Zeizei let out a soft laugh, "Aye, that'd be welcomed." she said softly.

Jim watched the odd creature as she waved goodbye to Delbert. No home, no memory of her culture or what species she was . . .

Makes you wonder  . . . what is she?

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