Part (2)

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(Jungkooks POV)

I rushed inside of our shared apartment. As soon as I shut the door behind me I collapsed on the floor.

I couldn't stop my tears from falling and I couldn't stop the loud sobs.

(3rd POV)

As soon as Jimin heard the sound of the door he rushed to jungkook. He was so worried especially after jungkook just hung up on him without a word.

He saw the younger crouching by the door crying...his heart was broken at the sight of him.

"Kookie baby why are you crying? What happened!". Jimin asked all the worry obvious in his voice.

"I saw him". Jungkook sobbed wiping his tears.

"He...he was." Jimin didn't need to hear anymore. He knew the younger was obviously not ready to talk about it.

Jimin took jungkook to his room assuring the younger that the others left a while ago.

Jungkook explained the whole thing to Jimin and Jimin was speechless. He couldn't believe Tae would do that.

He wanted to try and explain it some other way but the younger wasn't having it.

"Hyung...can I stay with you for a while... I really can't face him." Jungkook muttered his face buried in his hyung chest.

"Of course you can can stay as long as you'd like." Jimin assured the younger brushing his hair with his hand.


(Jungkooks POV)

It's been a whole week since the incident. I'm still staying with Jimin hyung in his apartment.

I've been ignoring tae for this whole week. I haven't answered his texts or calls and I haven't been to practice because I really couldn't face him.

But I had to go back to our shared apartment today because I needed some clean clothes.

I talked to Jimin hyung and he told me I could just go in the afternoon since taehyung had practice today.

I walked into the apartment...nothing had changed since I left. The couch is still untidy and the kitchen is a mess.

I decided I would at least clean the place a bit before going back. If only I had just gone back without bothering.

(3rd POV)

Jungkook had just finished cleaning the kitchen and was ready to get his bag and leave when he suddenly heard the font door open.

Jungkook froze in his place when he heard Taes foot steps getting louder which only meant he was coming to the kitchen.

(Jungkooks POV)

I was frozen in place. I didn't know what to do...I wasn't ready to face him yet I had to get out of here somehow.

"Kookie?". To say Taehyung was shocked to see me would be an understatement.

I averted my gaze to my foot. I couldn't look him in the eyes right now... I would just have breakdown if I did.

I tried the first thing that came to mind. I ran as fast as I could past him I was so close to reaching the door.

Suddenly I felt him grip my hands. I tried to pull my hand away but I couldn't. He would just tighten his grip if I tried to pull away.

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