hey wake up bitch

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Have you ever found yourself smiling so wide and felt so happy the moment you see someone so important in your life, but in a split second your lips just curve down because reality hits you like a bitch, knocking some sense to your head, telling you that they are just out of your league like, bitch, they just just step out of a fancy car that you are sure is worth of your whole life saving and there you are, hoping that somehow, they will notice you with your less-than-10-dollars outfits.

Oh Darling, stop dreaming that they will ever spare a glance towards you.

I am sorry but that's not how the world works.

The rich is for the rich. You, we, the commoner, do not even have a single chance to get near them, let alone being someone in their life.

Maybe you should stop daydreaming and go find someone that is not as unreachable as the sun like the person is.

P.s: I am telling you this because I just saw him walking down past me looking like nothing but rich, kind, radiant, and handsome in all his glory but guess what, reality is a bitch because I knew that his smile wasn't meant for me, a girl with anything but money and pretty face.

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