Open Wound

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        My head was killing me, and all I could hear was a continuous beeping noise. Out of habit my arm shot out, ready to smack the dumb creation, known as an alarm clock, but as soon as I did so, I winced a pain shooting through my arm. 

        Wait? Why does my arm hurt?

        My eyes opened, as I took in my surroundings. It was all white walls and the distinct smell of hospital greeted my nostrils. I hate hospitals. I looked down to see several purple and blue blotches tinting my pale skin. I realized that the beeping was coming from a heart monitor next to me. I thought of how I was in a hospital, but it just managed to give me a bigger headache. 

        Where's Lauren? Where's mom and dad?

        My skinned prickled with sweat. I felt slight anxiety build up inside me, I started to breath roughly. A million thoughts skimped through my mind, making me more anxious. I could feel my throat tighten and tears burn my eyes. Then without thinking I began to began to panic, I could feel a sob lodge itself in my throat. I tried to calm myself down, I kept taking sharp intake of breath. I felt warm and hot tears stream down my cheeks

        Andrea calm down, they're not dead, it's not going to happen again. You're overreacting, stop it.

        My heart monitor began to beep louder and louder and that was the only thing I could hear besides my harsh breathing. Suddenly a nurse came rushing into the room.

        "Okay, sweetie calm down. Take deep breathes," she said grabbing my hand trying to calm me down, I nodded my head weakly trying to obey her.

        "Let's just talk okay, my name is Melissa, and um I have one child, his name is Scott, he's about your age," she began to ramble, giving my hand a reassuring squeeze.

        "Your name is Andrea, right?" She asked, I nodded my head as my breathing began to slow down.

        "What happened to my parents and sister?" I asked my voice hoarse, I could still feel the tears dragging itself down my cheeks.

        Melissa's face immediately shown sympathy, I could help but pulled my hand out of hers and pull it to my mouth, I tried to hold it in the loud sob that tried to claw it's way out. It felt like I couldn't breath, everything was swirling around in my head. I won't see them anymore. I felt Melissa pull me into her arms, I fell into them without hesitating. She rubbed my back trying to calm me down, I began to sob, I couldn't help it. It all hurt, oh God it hurt so much. 

        "Shhhh, it's okay, shhhhh," she said trying to comfort me.

        I don't know how long I was like that and all I know was somehow I ended up falling asleep again.


        I woke up again except this time, I remembered everything. That made a pain appear in my chest and my eyes to waver with tears. I took another deep breath. I hit the button that called the nurse. After a couple of seconds Melissa came in, with a police officer.

        "Hello sweetie, how are you?" Melissa asked sending me a smile.

        "I could be a whole lot better, if I'm being honest," I replied showing her a weak smile.

        "I know this may be a bad time, but this is Sheriff Stilinski, he was wondering, if he could ask a couple of questions," Melissa stated using hand motions to direct who she was talking about, he sent me a friendly smile, which I tried my hardest to return.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2014 ⏰

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