M.L.S 8

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Mane what the fuck, I told these dumbass niggas. I swear to god if kentrell gets hurt I'm Murkin everybody

I walk back and forth waitin on a text from who ever that was

Kentrell actually had a plan this time, he shot two niggas but still got caught up with his luh dumbass

And I tried to shoot that bitch and she ran, she ran like tha police was chasing her

I hope my baby ok mane

"Sheyya get some sleep you been up ever since" Taymor said

"You still up? It's 8 am" Bryson yawns

It's been a whole day and Ian get no sleep I can't I needa kno if he's alive or not

"I can't y'all, I wanna kill that nigga but ion kno who to kill!"

"Fuck!" I punched a hole in the wall

"Chill sheyya he's fine"

My phone dings and I rushed to it

From next lick
I have what you want 21

To next lick
You bet not hurt him mane I stg

From next lick
Chill I'm not gonna hurt yo little boyfriend well at least not yet 😂

To next lick
Bitch I'm not playing give him back you can have Bryson

At this point if Bryson gotta go he has to go

From next lick
2 attachments

I opened it and one was 2 niggas kicking kentrell while he was chained up to a poll

"Say hi to 21 pretty"

Kentrell looks up and I swear all I seen was red, his whole face was fucked up and he was couching up blood

"Bitch leave him outta this" Kentrell spats spittin out blood

"I'm sorry what was that? You wanna get hit again?" She laughs as the nigga kicked kicked him again

The video ends and there was a picture of kentrell all beat up

"They hurting him Yo!" I screamed

Bryson and Taymor looked at me and stepped back

They know how I get ova his ass

"They jumpin him and he's throwin up blood!"

I bit my lip so hard that it bleed, I can't keep this anger in me mane it's takin ova me

From next lick
I want Bryson to get me pregnant and then you can have yo precious pretty boy but before then I'll do whatever I please to him

"Bryson ion kno what you gone do but she wants yo baby" I said

"My baby?"

~ 𝕸𝖞 𝖑𝖚𝖍 𝖘𝖍𝖔𝖔𝖙𝖆 ~ 21𝖓𝖇𝖆Where stories live. Discover now