↳STORY HIGHLIGHT: Honey Lavender by slchld1028

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STORY Highlight

Honey Lavender by slchld1028

Honey Lavender is the ongoing story of a 17-year-old LGBT youth living in a realm of crime and annihilation. Written by Lilly (also 17 years old), the readers will follow the journey of Jungkook, who's life gets flipped upside down after losing his wallet to a pick-pocketer. Tracked and kidnapped by the source of the city's rising crime rate, he finds himself in the arms of a mafia leader known as Min Yoongi.

The Inspiration

Lilly's inspiration for the story comes from her interest in [fictional] criminals and works doing with crime. When asked why she believes readers should read her story, she simply answered; don't.

"Honestly, I don't think anyone should read it. If it perks your interest, go for it but I write just for practice and the calming effect it has. The fact people like it [Honey Lavender] is fine by me."


All of slchld1028's works star homosexual characters and highlights the struggles that queer youth can face. When asked about the reasoning and message behind her stories, she replied, "It's all gay because I can't write female characters well (even though I am female lmao). And honestly, a good message is that love is love. You can't do jack shit about it lmao."

Lilly's Background

Lilly has been growing her writing skills for nearly six years and currently participates in a career-ready class for law enforcement. It also seems she will continue her writing journey, but only as a hobbyist for now.

Final Words

Lastly, after having an actual BLAST speaking to and reading the works of such a talented writer, I asked Lilly what she would like to say to her current/future readers and her message was short and sweet:

—"[I would like] to say that I'm sorry for my horrible grammar (kidding). But I would probably say that writing is a great way to express things and the fact this book is about the mafia is not a great example lol."

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