Chapter Seventeen - Present

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A.N: This video kinda reminded me of Ty and Vicky. It certainly has those vibes xD

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I took a quick shower and got dressed in a shirt and denim that the maids had laid out for me and descended down the stairs to meet the officers.

What information did they have?

Was dad really dead?

These questions continued to reel in my head as I reached the landing. The maids had shown the officers to a sitting room where they sat rather awkwardly, looking around the room. I couldn't blame them. People who first visited the mansion often had this effect; they couldn't stop staring at the vastness and the opulence surrounding them. One could look at the beautiful house and never guess the evils that lurked within it.

The house managed to fool people with their beauty, much similar to their owners did.

"Good Evening Officers, my butler told me you'd like a word."

"Tyler Lockhart..." the middle-aged man acknowledged me, offering me a handshake, "I'm Lieutenant Walter. This is Detective Hank." He pointed at the young lanky Detective. "We'd like to ask you a few questions if it's alright."

"No problem." I said as we shook hands and I indicated towards the couch, "please have a seat, gentlemen. Can I get you something to drink, tea, coffee, water?"

The officers declined politely.

"On second thought, you should try my cook's Darjeeling Tea, it's imported from India and is of the finest quality."

The officers shrugged but nodded. I snapped my fingers and a maid walked inside the room, who had been lurking somewhere behind the curtains.

"Tell Lola to make three Darjeeling teas, and some cakes to go with it."

"Yes, sir." She bowed and left the room.

One thing that I learned from my father was to always disarm the enemy with wit and charm, so when they try to attack you, they'd feel guilty doing it. It was ironic how I was using my dad's tactic when they were here to talk about him.

"Is there any problem?" I asked.

The older officer looked straight at me as if trying to see if there was something I was hiding. "Mr. Lockhart has disappeared for almost a month now. As you already know, the detectives and everyone on the task force are doing their best to see what transpired."

I gave him a nod, "I really appreciate all your efforts."

"Before he left, we have information that he had a brief fight with you."

I crossed my legs and sat back, "Are you insinuating that I had something to do with my father's disappearance, Lieutenant?"

The maid arrived with a trolley. She placed the tea, sugar, and cream on the table, along with a four-story silver stray consisting of different types of homemade cakes, imported biscuits, croissants, and toast.

I swear I saw the younger Detective's eyes glaze over. No matter how much control anyone would practice, it was still hard to look at the finer things in life and resist the urge to try it.

I put the tea powder into three cups and asked each how they liked theirs before preparing mine.

Lieutenant Hank's face had turned red, "we're not saying you were involved, but we have news that you may have been. I hope you understand that this is a mere formality."

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