[K-drama] Extraordinary You

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Judul: Extraordinary You
(MBC TV/2019)

Episode: 32 (30min/eps)

Genre: Fantasy, Romance (highschool-love)💘

Rate: 8/10🌟

The series is about a high school student named Eun Dan-oh who is a student at a prestigious academy. One day by chance, she discovers that she and everyone else in her world are actually characters in a manhwa entitled Secret (비밀, RR: bimil). She has a heart condition and worse yet, Dan Oh is only a minor character in this story and is expected to die soon. Not satisfied with this fate, she decides to forge her own destiny by changing the story’s plot and finding her own true love.


Ini lagi anget-angetnya banget deh pokoknya. Gue tuh orangnya bosenan. Kdrama yg bisa gue tamatin bisa diitung pake jari. Dan terakhir kali gue tamatin drakor itu kayaknya tahun lalu deh.

Makannya seneng bgt pas nemu ini. Hype bgt di kelas gue, jd penasaran. Eh ternyata emg seru! Konfliknya ga berat2 amat (untuk teen love, gue emg lebih suka alur yg cukup light), tp tetep bisa ngaduk emosi.

Dan kalo kalian emg belum tau samsek soal drama ini, lebih baik kalian gausah searching. Biar lebih surprise gtu pas male-lead-nya ke-reveal (yg w alamin sih gtu).

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