Old friends...New friends

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Lauren's P.O.V

I stirred awake with gentle kisses getting placed on my neck and a cute giggling in my ear. I couldn't help, but smile.

"Good morning to you too Camzi." I chuckled opening my eyes to look at her

She was smiling widely at me, giggling.

"Morning hot stuff." She said with a wink
"What are you on this morning and can I have some please?" I laughed
"I'm on a bed duh!" She said with an eye roll
"You seem very hyper." I said rolling to face her
"I sort of woke up like that. Plus I'm excited for your birthday gift later the one I got you." She said smiling

I honestly had no clue what it was. She moved her body closer to me, making me growl when I remember she was wearing nothing but my shirt. I gripped her bare leg, hooking it around my hip, pressing myself against her. She whimpered loudly making me smirk.

"So are you gonna tell me what this surprise is?" I asked stroking her sides
"No, that is why it's called a surprise silly girl." She said pushing my shoulder playfully. I pushed her onto her back, climbing on top of her and straddling her hips.
"Tell me. I don't like surprises." I pouted giving her my puppy dog eyes because they usually work
"No! You need to wait and see." She said sternly waving her finger in my face

Damn! That usually works. I pulled a sad face at her before laughing and reaching down for her lips. I winced as I felt them connect, another giggle coming from her. She wrapped her arms tightly around my neck, deepening the kiss.

"As much as I would love to lay here all day with you on top of me, I can't because we have things to do. So please remove your sexy body from mine because it's distracting." She smirked
"But?" I pouted
"But nothing. Later you can do what you like, but right now we need to move." She said
"Whatever I like uh?" I smirked
"Get off me naughty girl." She giggled, pushing me off her

I laughed shaking my head, but that soon stopped when stood up from the bed and started stretching.

"Mmm nice ass baby." I purred at her

She looked over her shoulder at me smirking and winking at me.

"You are gonna be the death of me Camzi." I hissed
"I'm going for a shower, you coming?" She smirked

I raised my brow at her, surely she's messing with me? She's usually not this forward.

"Well? We don't have all day. It will save us time, but if you don't wanna join me then that's your choice." She shrugged heading to the suite bathroom. I soon jumped to my feet joining her. I wasn't gonna turn that offer down.


"Camzi, what is wrong with you today?" I laughed as we sat down for brunch at the small diner we came to that first night for milkshakes.

She seemed more excited than usual.

"Nothing, I'm all good." She smiled digging into her pancakes

I shook my head chuckling. I swear if I never knew her I would say she was high or something. I let it drop before digging into my own food.

"Lauren." I heard a voice behind me giggling, a very familiar voice

I froze, surely not...surely that ain't who I think it is? I looked at Camila who was smiling widely at me. I turned around and I was right, it was her.

The Bad Girl Protects me (Camren G!P)Where stories live. Discover now