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I wipe the sweat off my brow and continue training,it's been 12years since Miss Min Young and I moved to South Korea

At first I had the hope that my parents would survive the attack but then on watching world news on TV I found out that they had been killed by a street gang whom they had busted and put away for drug dealing.

I was inconsolable and clutched the picture frame of  us for days and even Miss Min Young broke down and cried. But eventually we started to build a new life despite our grief

It wasn't easy and poor Miss Min Young had to face the stigma that came with raising a black child alone we were constantly gossiped and talked about in the neighborhood

It wasn't easy for both of us but we tried to console each other and she did her best to take care of me. She once told me the story of how she had met my parents when she had still been a teenager

She had been orphaned and they had taken her in and treated her like family and so she would return the favor gladly and protect me with her life.

And so after the initial grief and strangeness of a new country and life we started to settle in and even made friends in the neighborhood who were initially curious about us and our situation but later started to help us out.

One day I remembered what else had happened on that black day of grief,the day I lost my parents,I remembered the glowing orb sinking into my chest and I told Miss Min Young

She didn't believe me but i continued to insist that i was sure of what had happened so she took me for an X-ray but they didn't find anything out of the ordinary in my body

I was confused as i was sure of what had happened that day but the doctor told Miss Min Young that it was a figment of my imagination,born out of my PTSD so I too believed it as nothing strange or extraordinary happened to me.

2 years later Miss Min Young fell in love and married Park Gwang tae it was hard for me to adjust to this new family arrangement but Gwang tae  was patient with me and in time we became close.

I continued to homeschool and one day a friend of Gwang tae  came over to visit i remembered seeing him at their wedding but he had left early.

He seemed mysterious and i noticed he had a weapon on him,and i know they expected me to freak out or be afraid of it

But on the contrary i wasn't in fact it made me feel drawn to him becauseI remembered my parents carrying weapons and sometimes my Dad would clean his guns,

while i played with my toys on the floor of his study, so weapons were familiar to me and made me feel safer.

I asked him what he did and why he needed to carry a  weapon,and although i could tell Miss Min Young and Gwang tae were squeamish about the conversation,

Kim Ha Joon his friend, wasn't and he answered all my questions and told me he was a weapons lobbyist and he explained what a weapons lobbyist was and what a being one entailed.

I was immediately determined i was also going to be a weapons lobbyist myself, I knew that an ordinary life was not possible for me and I craved something similar to what my parents had been because it made me feel closer to them

But still Miss Min Young and Gwang tae  tried to dissuade me but I was adamant and so at that early age I began training as a weapons lobbyist and by the time I was 19,I was skilled knowledgeable in handling weapons of all kinds,

I was also skilled in various hand to hand combat,judo karate, taekwondo, boxing and wrestling and even sword fighting and I had always been proficient at learning new languages

so I learned even more and by that age I could speak 12 languages fluently coupled with my young age made me a valuable asset in the lobbyist world,

One might think it was so easy for me but it wasn't,Kim Ha Joon was ruthless in my training and there were many times I felt like giving up but he encouraged me to go on and so I did.

My work was often dangerous and made me leave home for long periods of time but I loved the excitement of it,in time I created a hideout in a hidden part of the country side where I sometimes stayed whenever I had a mission in Korea

And where I could train in private I had various means of private transportation and lots of expensive spy gadgets and technology which I was skilled in using,

I remember a time when I disguised myself as a white woman to intercept an illegal arms deal,also the money I made from being a lobbyist was pretty cool and i was even able to buy a company out which I now co-owned with Gwang tae.

It wasn't strange for lobbyists to have another job or business as a cover for what they really did. Suddenly my phone rang, it was my boss said mentor Kim Ha Joon.

Thanks for reading! Can you guess how Munnu and Jade will meet? If you feel you have an idea let me know in the comments section below 😃

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