LII - Trick

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It felt like my heart was being ruptured to shreds as I started to head for Vincent. I forced down the bile in my throat, forcing air into my lungs. I didn't want to leave Amyr and Byron Flynn. Not after what happened to Rosario. But Vincent was the only thing that made me want to cling to life. He was my master and the reason for my existence.

This way of thinking made me realize I was becoming more and more of a familiar and less of a person.

Right now, the only thing that mattered most was to keep him as far away from his brothers as possible. It was a tough choice but it was that or die.

I spotted Vincent exchanging attacks with Baldy and another familiar. Baldy went behind him and took him by the arms. Like a wild animal, Vincent jostled the enemy, heaving the black guy in front like a shield just as the other familiar lunged at him with claws extended.

The dark-skinned familiar fell onto his knees. His eyes were wide when he saw the gaping wound on the left of his chest where his partner had just yanked out the Cataclyst that was supposedly aimed at Vincent.

There was no sign of remorse on Vincent's face when he let go of the familiar's body. Then, while the remaining familiar was still too shocked to retaliate, he grabbed him by the neck and twisted it. The familiar's head was facing the wrong way when it dropped face down to the dirt.

Another enemy suddenly appeared behind Vincent.

Screaming at the top of my lungs, I rushed to the enemy, dragging my scythe against the ground. I swung at him with all the force I could muster. The blade slashed his back.

The enemy cried out in pain then turned around to face me. He was about to attack me instead when in the middle of charging, he suddenly stopped. Blankly, he looked down on his chest. His eyes widened and when he opened his mouth, only blood came out. Suddenly, his upper torso slid down cleanly from the rest of his body. The upper half of him tumbled to the ground while the other amputated half kept staggering to me. It was shocking how he could still move when all that was left of him was only half of his body. A few seconds later, it collapsed too, drenching the forest floor with blood.

An involuntary gasp pushed its way out of my throat. My fingers, my hands, my whole body were trembling. All of a sudden, I couldn't breathe.

I had just killed someone. The thought made me dry-heave.

Vincent suddenly appeared in front of me. Frantically, he pulled me to him and looped an arm around my nape, forcing me to turn away from the slaughter.

For a second I wondered if my victim had family or friends who would mourn his death. Another part of my brain insisted that he probably deserved it because he was evil. But maybe he was just following orders.

"Hey! Am I interrupting something?!" Amyr yelled from the other side of the ring of fire. He waved at us frantically before dodging a Cataclyst that was about to bust his head off. "Now if you're done, can you please get the hell out of here?!"

Vincent gave Amyr a polite nod-something he didn't usually do. "I owe you one!"

Together, Vincent and I skirted the walls of fire. We kept going around until we found a small opening that led to the edge of the cliff. We jumped over and out wildfire, rolling as we hit the ground.

Vincent was quick to get up, ripping away the scorched seam of his robe as he did. Part of my hair was singed too, but self-image didn't seem to be the priority at the moment.

The smell of sulfur and smoke filled the air, making me gag. Vincent helped me up, then he dragged us both uphill.

"Where's the Glitch?" he asked.

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