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I woke up at 6 o’clock on a Sunday morning. It was pitch black and it seemed like there was nothing else in the room except my bed and the walls surrounding me. It was a winter morning, grey clouds filled the sky
and it was raining heavily with lightning.

The howling wind rattled the windowpanes, on the bleak day. I twisted and turned under my bedsheet cover with clattering teeth due to the cold, bitter air around me.

I was not able to sleep, frightened with my heart thumping very hard. I am NYCTOPHOBIC and was badly stuck with horror because of the dark. I called out for my parents and elder sister but there was a pin-drop silence in the house.

I pulled away my blanket, stepped down from my bed, wore my blue slippers and descended down the stairs. I soon reached downstairs, standing in the hall the realization struck me like a thunder bolt that I was all alone in the house. I headed towards the wooden table, set in the corner of the hall and reached out for the telephone receiver to dial the phone number of my parents but I was
shocked to realize that the line was dead. I put on my blue raincoat, yellow gum boots, took the old, black umbrella from one of the wooden shelves and proceeded towards the entrance door which led to a wet pathway and I went out of my house to seek help from my neighbor cum friend, SHARON.

I rang the doorbell of her house but to my utter shock nobody opened the door. I noticed that BRUNO, THEIR GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG was
also not there in his kennel, I found this strange because something like this has never happened before in the 14 years of my life. I
increased my pace and checked for other acquaintances but found

I rushed back towards my house and on entering switched on the television set and checked for any news related to this situation but it came to me as another big blow to me to find that there was no cable connection. I increased my pace and rushed towards my room and on entering I looked up for my mobile phone and looked for my
relatives’ phone number but to my bad luck no one was answering to
my calls.

I descended down the stairs hurriedly and went out of home to check
in cafes, shops and other places to find someone but there was no one (NO ACQUAINTANCE!). No living being was to be found in the city as if there was no living being walking on the surface of earth except for myself. Even thinking about such thing to actually take place left me petrified and made me alarmed. Drenched in sweat from head to toe
that too on such a cold day.

I collapsed on my knees and it seemed as if the cold and wet floor slipped beneath my feet, I cried hard in agony, howled, shrieked but no one was there to listen and protect me. I prayed to God asking him to make me meet my family even if I was to live no more after getting my wish fulfilled (even that was acceptable) but even that seemed to be impossible. Pictures of my parents' smiling faces flashed over my mind and it seemed as if every memory I have owned right from my childhood flashed in front of my eyes like a movie is being played and I clenched my eyes as if trying to capture and live those memories once again. The moment seemed to be like an eternity when I suddenly opened my eyes in the middle of the night just to find myself on my bed drenched in sweat, horrified, numb and terrorized and as I recalled everything I was quick enough to realize that it was a nightmare and no doubt that "IT WAS THE WORST NIGHTMARE I EVER HAD".

     “Walking on a 
 lonely night,
 Be brave enough
 to put up a fight,
Bring light
  to the darkness alive,

  don’t follow the
   darkness and strive.
  Beware of the dark
  And hope for the light.
Be radiant and
brave enough
  to put up a fight".

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