Chapter 9

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"Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them are what make life meaningful." -Joshua. J. Marine

-------------------> HE KNEW SOMETHING WAS WRONG within the first few seconds of apparating to the Slytherin Manor

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-------------------> HE KNEW SOMETHING WAS WRONG within the first few seconds of apparating to the Slytherin Manor.

The Manor, physically, was intact. There was nothing out of place. Everything was picture perfect.

That was what worried him, sadly.

In the three days since Rose Potter had become a resident of the great Manor, he had come home to feathers, crying house elves, broken objects (most fixed with a simple reparo) and a tea party between a girl, a snake, a painting and two unanimated stuffed dolls.

He had come to a rather startling realisation that Rosalie did not bring trouble with her, she created it.

While he thrived in creating an order out of the chaos, she was his polar opposite, living to create chaos from the order.

A peaceful house worried him.

He knew she wouldn't have been asleep, considering she had convinced the Elves to feed her plenty of sugar for breakfast, and currently, it was only half-past four.

There was hardly any sound, bar the busy rustling of the House Elves.

Five days ago, Nagini would have been eagerly waiting for him to come home and would have welcomed him sweetly.

Now, however, she was nowhere to be seen.

Rose's curiosity and smartness combined with Nagini's knowledge and ruthlessness along with their mutual boredom was proving to be very troublesome for him.

Tom Riddle was starting to get worried after not spotting them and seeing the Manor in a proper condition within the first five seconds of his arrival.

Then he smelled it.

It smelled awful, much like Rose's attempt at cooking. (Don't ask)

Tom Riddle frowned his eyebrows before his legs started carrying him to the direction of the foul smell.

After a few minutes of walking, he found himself in front of a door.

Upon realising exactly what was behind the wooden door, he felt absolute dread and horror flash across his mind.

Potio Locus

Or in English, Potion Room.

'Rose is in the potions room without supervision.' he thought calmly before his eyes widened, 'ROSE IS IN THE POTIONS ROOM WITHOUT SUPERVISION!'

He mentally prepared himself for whatever horrid sight would be waiting for him, before opening the door gracefully.

He was met with the beautiful sight of the Potter Heiress in front of a large cauldron with a snake draped around her neck like an expensive scarf.

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