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Kinda a longer chap :) sorry for not updating

Your pov;

She looked at me with a 'what the heck are you talking about' face

"Okay what is nercited again?" She asked me and I looked at her incredulously

"Well for your information Patrick, nercited is nervous plus excited" i told her and she gave me a glare for calling her Patrick

"Come here you" she tackled me to the floor and started tickling me with no mercy

"L-l-laur stop, T-t-they mi-ght hear us" i told her in between my laughs

She finally stopped tickling me and stood up from the floor with a satisfied face. I got up and gave her a playful glare

"Seems fun but let's go, the room is empty. Ally,Mani and Camila will be back in a few minutes" Dinah's voice made us jumped but we nodded and followed her into the room

"Where should I hide?" I asked them,looking for a perfect hiding spot

Dinah then opened the closet door and she clicked her tongue together and nodded "here"

I bit my lips, hesitating

"Uh, any other place?" I asked her and when she shook her head I turned to Lauren but guess luck wasn't on my side right now when she shook her head no too

I sighed and step into the closet and right when she closed the door, the light went off




I slammed the door open, startling lauren and I stepped out of it very quickly,taking very deep breaths

"Holy fuck!" Lauren cursed loudly with a hand on her heart


Dinah laughed when she realized than I was afraid of the dark

"Fine you big coward, go and hide inside the bathroom" I nodded

"Oh and FYI I am not afraid of the dark, I just don't wanna go back being closeted" I rolled my eyes and went inside the bathroom

"They're coming!" I heard Lauren yelled out from the other side of the door

I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and right on cue, i heard the hotel room door opened

"Why is the lights off?" I heard Camila's voice and suddenly there was a light knock signaling for me to come out. Then I remembered something

I didn't bring anything,Shoot

I paced around the bathroom and when I looked up i saw roses inside a vase. Don't ask me why there's a flower vase with a bunch of roses inside a bathroom but I took one and turn the door knob

Right when I stepped out of the bathroom, I turned on the lights since it was right next to the bathroom door


She froze for a few seconds before turning around and let out a small gasped, not believing I'm actually here

I accidentally let out a small laughed at her cute reaction

"Y-Y/n?" She stuttered

I opened my arms and nodded with a big grin on my face. She squealed and ran into my awaiting arms

"I miss you" I could feel my shirt getting wet and that's when i knew she was crying

"I miss you too" I sighed out happily

We were just embracing each other when the Mani spoke up

"We'll leave you two alone now" she gave us a smile and ushering the others out of the room but when the door was about to closed fully, Dinah being Dinah of course had to say something

"Have fun! But not too much fun!" She yelled out "Ow why'd you do that smallz" I heard her

This big baby finally let me go and she was just staring at me with a big smile on her face which I returned. Then I suddenly remembered the rose

Well hope she doesn't realized it was actually from her bathroom

"I miss you....?" I said but more like a question because i was nervous. I handed her the rose and she looked at me seriously

A few seconds passed by and she finally showed a reaction which calm my nerves a little bit

She freaking laughed, so hard

"You- please d-don't t-t-tell me that was a-actually from the b-bathroom"


I turned red for getting caught "nahhh, I bought it at a nearby flower shop" I lied

She gave me an amused smile before taking a step closer and gave me a kiss, my eyes widened and my face got even hotter

"I-I uh"

She giggled at my state and took the rose from my hand "Thanks Cutie"



I'm sorry for not updating,I was busy with school and now i have plenty of times since school is almost over, the Third term school holiday is coming up and that means,a month of freedom ;)))


Started with Twitter (camila/you)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora