Part 10

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I'm done with it. Pich's body. Kwak's body. Death's body. Kisook's body. Every mortal body! Oh, for a lifetime of anger and regret! How could it be crushed by a hug? Kwak disfigured that girl! And to apologize to God's vomit like Kisook...! I'd rather fall into quicksand blindfolded!

Anger is my anchor. It drags me lower and lower, till breath is a refreshing dream. My frantic heart peels from flesh, coiling into a hot, sticky lump. Jagged bone collides with the squishy meat of brain. One impales the other, till my head throbs into a hard, burning, outrageous sting. As I dissolve, it drips into my bones. How could I be so stupid, to destroy Death?! After Grandma. After Dad. After forever. There is no world without Death. Without Death, there is no world. Without the world, there is!

Anger. Anger like claws, tearing my soft skin to knotted bone. Anger like fangs, gnawing my voice into a hollow rasp. Anger like blood, wriggling through my veins. Do not clap! It has made my mind the bloated corpse of someone great, and my heart an unmarked grave. I will live. I will wait. Yet I will never feel it again. I...will...never...feel...!

...Death's finger wipe my tears, and her voice soften my ears.

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