40. Ex husbands, sex services and slumber parties

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You bewilder me. Befuddle me. Astonish me. Keep me on my toes, always guessing and wondering. And maybe that is why I love you so much. Because you are still a puzzle to me even after I have solved you. - Logan


40. Ex husbands, sex services and slumber parties


Her body was burning in anger. She couldn't focus on anything, except on his words. On how wrong they sounded, even if those were the words she had wanted to hear for so long.

It kept ringing inside her and the words she had always wanted to hear... They felt like burning acid at the base of her heart.

She couldn't believe how every ideals he ever had, how everything he had always rejected changed with just one word from her.


Is that such a magical word that it can elicit confession from him, when her tears and heart break couldn't?

"Lex, sit down. Don't make a scene." He said as he stared up at her, his gray eyes full of warning.

As if he has any right to warn me! She thought with a belligerent frown.

"Oh, don't worry. I won't make a scene and spoil your so called reputation." She bared her teeth at him, feeling the need to attack him... She was so hungry for some blood. His blood.

He chuckled at her with an amused smile.

He chuckled. The pig!

Her anger was so magnificent that she wondered if she would explode along with him if she stood there any longer.

How dare he do this to her!!!

"I don't damn care about my reputation. If you want to make a scene, let's make one together." He said as he stood up from the chair. When he waved to the waiter, Alex grunted at him. "I want to make one with you."

"I can pay for my cake. You don't have to pay for me." She said as she pulled her hand away from his grasp.

His touch still stirred feelings she would rather not feel.

This wasn't becoming. This was so wrong. she was a blathering idiot.

Ah... I know. But still...

I am an idiot. I know! I know, but God, I want him. He stirs me up even when I don't want to

"Oh, it is alright. And Alex, stop eating so much sugar. It is not good for the baby." He said in that know-it-all tone she so hated and Alex wanted to dump the remaining cake over his stupidly sexy face.

But she wasn't that impulsive.

"Now, you are a baby whisperer? Eh? Very well. You know what else is not good for the baby? You. Getting. Me. Angry." She said as she turned back from him and started towards her room.

She didn't have patience to deal with his arrogance today.

She had puked the whole morning and ate the whole noon. It was one rigorous cycle of eating and vomiting.

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