Leaving Equestria

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Godzilla looked at his child who was now a quarter his size, their nose's touched as everyone watched in aw of what was happening. Godzilla than turned his attention towards Luna and Spike as he growled, dragons started to land around Godzilla. Than out of the forest, creatures from the Timber Wolves and Cragadiles to the Ursa Major came to the area surrounding Godzilla as Junior hid underneath his father. The Ursa Major stood up to the king as he growled, the giant bear than bowed it's head as the other creatures than started to bow.

Dragon 1: Long live the king *bows*

The other dragons noticed than all started to bow, all the ponies were shocked as they also saw Luna and Spike bowing down to Godzilla. He than looked at his son and nodded as he came out of hiding, and with one might breath the two roared together as the sound echoed for miles. Junior than look around as he saw the ponies who took cared of him. He than turned towards his father and started to talk with him.

Applejack: Uh Fluttershy could you translate all that for us?

Fluttershy: He's asking his father if they could leave Equestria for good, hopefully Godzilla will listen and leave Equestria!

Twilight: If he doesn't leave than we will be in a war of monsters and ponies

Celestia: If Godzilla doesn't listen, we have no choice but to kill him *mumbling* if that's even possible.....

Godzilla than turned towards the monsters and roared towards them as all of them noded.

Rainbow Dash: What did he say now

Fluttershy: He said he's going to leave now and possibly never return unless we disturb him

Rarity: Marvelous, I've had enough of giant monsters for the rest of my life, hopefully it will be the end of it!

Godzilla lifted his tail and slammed it on the ground as Junior climbed on with the two leaving Ponyville. Godzilla stopped and started to charge up and blasted at the sky turning it blue. The Kaiju King continued to walk as the creatures returned to the forest as some tried to follow Godzilla, the Ursa Major along with the Ursa Minor returned to their cave to rest. Luna transformed back to her normal form along with Spike. While Godzilla walk he stepped on something as he looked down to see a broken statue of Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow. Godzilla growled and continued walking.

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