Chapter 12

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"YOU seemed tired, Baby," Tristan said over the phone, "Are you even resting?" She smiled upon hearing his concern.

"I am but I have so much in my plate right now that I don't know how to do it all at once..." she honestly said and sighed.

"I'm sorry that I'm not there, Baby. I wish I could take care of you"

She smiled, "Hearing your voice is enough to keep me sane," she said, "How's Papa?"

"Well, he's kind of pissed at me" Her brows furrowed with what he said, "and Mama"


"The first thing they said upon seeing me is where are you and the kids," Tristan chuckled, "Even wanted to kick me out not bringing all of you"

She laughed at well. Oh, how she missed them.

"I'm sorry, Baby. We didn't mean to over throne you" She playfully replied.

"I don't mind at all. It actually makes me proud"

This is what she really loves about Tristan. How he could light up the mood. How he could make her laugh and just relax.

"They missed you"

"We miss them, too," she said, "Please send my hugs and kisses for them,"

"I will, Baby"

She looked at the wall clock and saw that it's already midnight, did they really talk that long?

"Hey, it's late... you should rest... I'm sorry for keeping you up"

"Really?" Tristan replied, "But I still want to hear your voice..." okay, he's flirting with her.

"Me too, but we have to rest Mr. Bergstrom" she chuckled, "We would talk tomorrow" she giggled.

Tristan exaggeratedly sighed,  "Alright, Mrs.Bergstrom. I miss you, Baby." he used his best baby voice.

"I miss you, more" she replied, "I love you"

Her forehead creased when he didn't reply. Is he still on the line?


She could only hear his heavy sighs, "Baby?"

"Wait, I can't breath..."

"What?" She rose from her bed and started to be worried, "What's the matter?"

"Y-You leave me breathless..."


He laughed with her reaction, "Your I love you always leave me breathless, Baby" she could sense his smile, "I love you so much"

"I love you most" she replied with a smile all over her lips.

Since they slept around 1 AM, she woke up late that day. She rushed downstairs only to see her children all ready for school.

"Good morning, Mommy" Slyther greeted her with a kiss on the cheek, "I'll go ahead, Mom"

"Going? Have you had your breakfast?"

"Yes, Mom!" Slyther smiled "Don't worry about my food later at lunch, My. I would just buy at the cafeteria"

Even though she knew that they're high school already, her heart still couldn't believe that they have grown so much.

"Mommy, Kuya Raven is the one who prepared my snacks," Huffle said who had just finished eating her breakfast, "Thank you, Kuya!"

"Get your things ready, I'll drop you in the school," Raven said to his sister as we walked towards her with a kiss on her forehead, "Mommy, I've cooked some frittata. I'll just drop Huffle to school and I'll be right back."

She was amazed by her son. Fritatta, for breakfast? How did he even learn to cook that food?

"She has a service"

"The service has already arrived but I still have to prepare her food so I told them I'll just drop her off myself," he said and grab his sister's bag.

"Then take my keys so you won't be late" He has already a license so she would allow it and it's just for now.

"It's all right, Mommy. Huffle should experience commuting, too"

Raven has a point, but "she might be late"

"She should experience it too" he chuckled, "Huffle, it's late!" he called his sister.

"I'm ready! Bye Mommy" Huffle ran towards her and kissed her on the cheek as she led them out of the house.

They waited for the shuttle to come, "Bye, Mommy!" Huffle waved her hand as she lost her sight to them.

The cold breeze blows through her skin so she embraces herself. She was about to go back inside the house when she saw a familiar figure not so far.

What is he doing here?

"Maricar!" He chased after her as she hurried back home but quickly reached her, "Let's talk"

"We have nothing to talk about, Dominic. I've spoken to your lawyer--"

"I dropped the case" he cut her off, "I-I've consulted another counsel and they've been honest with me. My chance is weak..."

She smirked, "Okay, it's good that you know, now go. My son still needs me!" She pushed him away, she still couldn't forget the accusation he had told her.

"I'm sorry..."

She stilled, did she hear it right?

"I'm sorry for what I've said, I was wrong" His voice was full of sincerity as he held her hand, "I'm not going to take them anymore but please, don't deny me being a father to them"

"Seven years, Dominic" she let out a fake chuckle,  "I didn't deny you. You denied it" But of course, he doesn't remember anything, does he? "What do I expect? You don't even remember" 

"I won't deny the things I have done to you, Maricar," he said, "but please just punish me when I remember everything" he sounded so desperate.

This is not the Dominic she knew nor she remembers. She looked away and moved her hand away from him.

"Remember or not, you have no obligation to us. I was able to raise my children, Dominic. I did it alone for a long time. We can live without you."

"But I can't" she was about to step back yet his voice made her stop.

It sounded broken, helpless and hopeless.

"I-I can't even sleep thinking why I left you" Tears were forming in his eyes, he was about to cry.

No, Maricar. Don't be deceived in those tears. She thought.

"I'm going to die in sorrow, Maricar. You're my family that I can't even hold, can't even kiss anymore... you're all that I have" His tears flow down from his cheeks. He looked so vulnerable right now.

She swallowed hard, "May I remind you that you have a wife, Dominic. I am no longer your wife and you have a family--"

"We have no children, Maricar!" He cut her off that surprised her, "You tell me that we have a child but none..."

"H-huh?" She was confused.

"We don't have a child, Maricar. I have not been able to ask her the full details since you and our children are the ones in my mind. We have no child... You're the only one I had children with,"


She gritted her teeth. How could he do this? Did he even forget his child with her?

"Maricar, please... give me another chance" he pleaded.

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