1 - Underestimated

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Underneath a thick magical flourishing forest lay a series of secret labyrinth tunnels known to only a select few. Within one of the dark underground tunnels lined with solid dirt and tree roots rushed a slightly hunched back figure carrying a small little boy who appeared no more than seven years old, with pastel green hair and a rosy peach complexion. The old figure used magic to light his way stopping occasionally to take a breather but never longer than a few minutes always glancing over his shoulder to ensure no one was following him. At the end of the tunnel stood another cloaked figure that stood waiting anxiously. When he noticed them, he breathed a sigh of relief, “I’m glad you made it Varick.”

“Alistair. Quick, take him and hide.” The old cloaked figure carefully transferred the small child to the mid-twenty year-old Alistair. “We must protect the boy. If they find him...who knows what they will do. You must take him away. I’ll stay back and do what I can.”

The other figure nodded then inquired hesitantly, “Do I have to, you know...?”

“Only if you must,” Varick replied gravely and then pulled out several large bags from his pocket, “Here take these too.”

Alistair gave a brief nod understanding and continued to carry the boy away. He glanced at the sleeping innocent boy in disbelief and thought, “Such incredible but unstable power. If only they were more willing to help control it. Instead we have escape...for his life.”

Sometime during the escape the boy began to stir, he opened his eyes, which were a stunning crimson dark red. He started to squirm out of the man’s arms, panic showing in his eyes,  “Where am I? Who are you? Where are my parents?” he started to whimper.

“Easy there...” the man said gently letting the boy down. He bowed his head, kneeling before him, placing his hand over his own heart, “I am a friend, your highness, Eilam...”

The boy struck a fighting pose knowing better, “If you were a friend you wouldn’t be taking me out here. This is not palace grounds.”

Suddenly Alistair felt a whoosh of air as it began to swirl around and knew it could only be coming from the boy. Alistair was stunned by the surge of immense power but knew that he had to protect them both.

“I’m sorry,” he muttered and before the boy could finish the spell, the figure waved his arm in a giant arc in front of the boy’s bright blood red eyes. Immediately the boy collapsed to the ground, all the living plants around the boy had turned brown, the life all sucked from it from the boy’s spell.

Alistair began to draw some symbols in the air around and above the boy leaving traces of magical markings briefly before disappearing, the whole time muttering apologies. Finally, the spell was complete, the boy’s magic has been suppressed. “For how long depends on the boy’s abilities...but for now I will raise you as my own.” He picked up the boy and continued on his journey.


Some years later...

“Where is that boy...” Alistair scoured the room and without trouble sighted a teen-aged Eilam flirting with a flock of young women. Eilam was naturally playing his guitar, partially serenading the girls. “Should have known...” he thought, “He can never keep a low profile...must be the charisma from his royal blood.”

Alistair strode over to Eilam and his harem, “Oy, what do you think you’re doing?”

Eilam jerked immediately knowing who it was. Putting down his guitar Eilam turned around and gave a playful grin, “Aw come on Alistair, lighten up! Enjoy the beautiful scenery!” He winked and gestured towards the group of giggling girls.

Alistair sighed, snatched up the guitar, and grabbed Eilam by the ear dragging him outside. “Ow, ow, ow! Alistair! Let go!” Eilam cried out painfully. As much as he fought he couldn’t get out of Alistair’s grip, reluctantly he gave up waving embarrassingly to the girls who were still giggling at the sight.

Alistair finally let go once outside and away from the public, “Keep the hormones in check. Remember we are in hiding. Not to make it easier for them to find us.” He began to head into an alleyway, a shortcut to where they were heading.

Eilam rubbed his ear annoyed, “You keep saying that but we haven’t ran into anyone all these years. If they haven’t found us then, then they won’t find us now.”

Alistair stopped and leaned against the wall, exhausted. “Boy...” Alistair breathed, “You take your good fortune for granted...actually, you take too many things for granted.” Suddenly there was a hiss, as the wall Alistair was leaning against started to glow and envelop him. The glow suddenly lit brighter blinding both men.

“ALISTAIR!” Eilam cried groping blindly for him. A shocked Alistair started to fight it using spells but it was no use, he used up a majority of his magic to mask their existence in the current town. The light began to take shape into hands, the hands grabbed at Alistair dragging him even more forcefully into the light portal. Eilam’s eyes partially adapted to the light and managed to grab Alistair by the wrist. “No, Alistair don’t give up!”

Alistair could not take it anymore, he wasn’t as young as he used to be. Exhausted he looked at Eilam and made eye contact. Using the last of his strength, he screamed at Eilam, “REMEMBER WHAT I TAUGHT YOU! DON’T LET THEM FIND YOU!”

With that, Alistair gave up fighting and was totally enveloped into the light portal. Eilam fell to his knees feeling abandoned. Staring aimlessly at where he last saw Alistair, his mentor, guardian, and friend. Suddenly the emotion hit. Eilam gritted his teeth, fists slamming on the ground. Muffled he choked out, “You...stupid old geezer...you said...you’d never leave me...What am I supposed to do now?” Eilam looked up trying to prevent tears from pouring out of his eyes.

Then he realized, Alistair was only captured. Chances are is that he’s still alive. “But he’ll be furious if I look for him...he said they only wanted me...” Eilam pondered his decision carefully. Eilam gripped his fist even tighter, fingernails digging into his palm drawing blood. Making a blood pact with himself Eilam finally stood up, resolve in his eyes and declared quietly to himself, “They've underestimated me...I’m going to find him if it’s the last thing I do...”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2014 ⏰

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