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Chapter 10 - Ari

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I left before breakfast, thanking Ben and Matt for letting me stay the night. I was eager to get home and mend whatever damage I'd done the night before.

Soren's car was in the drive when I pulled up, but I didn't see him outside or in the house. I checked the bedroom last and found him asleep.

It was unusual for him to sleep so late, and I thought he probably needed to eat after two full days of travel.

Not wanting to disturb him, I took a shower. When I came out, shirtless and scrubbing a towel over my too-long hair, he was up and sitting on the edge of the bed. He saw the bruises and scrapes from my tangle with the waves and hissed with displeasure.

"It's not as bad as it looks," I assured him, but he still rose and came to me, running his fingers lightly over my injured skin.

"How did this happen?" he asked.

I told him everything. I was done trying to keep secrets.

Afterward, I sat cross-legged on the bed while he perched on the edge.

"I'm sorry about last night," I said. "I shouldn't have run away like that."

The corner of his mouth twitched, but not with a smile. It looked more like pain. "I'm sorry too," he said. He cleared his throat and sighed. "And I apologized to the neighbor."

I smiled. "I'm glad. Thank you."

His expression remained grim, and he turned to face me. "Ari... There's something I need to tell you."

Few good conversations begin with those words. Suddenly nervous, I waited for him to go on.

After a moment's hesitation, he said, "I'm afraid I was right about him. Christopher Nicks is, if not a mwanga, at least a practitioner of the magical arts, and possibly of a dark variety."

Pushing aside my desire to deny this, I listened while he told me what he'd learned.

"So," I said when he finished, "last fall, when I felt like I was being watched, and the burglaries at the house... That was these...Hekataeon?"

"It would seem so," he said.

"And now, because Chris saw me use magic, they want me to join them. And if I don't they could use magic against me."

He nodded, watching me carefully. "I'm sorry. I know you want to think the best of people."

I shook my head, smiling ruefully. "I'm guessing you weren't supposed to tell me any of this."

"No," he confirmed. "I expect Chris thinks my fear for your safety will keep me quiet. But I made a promise to myself last night, Ari. I promised that I won't keep things from you anymore--not even if I think it's for your own good. We'll face this together, as one."

"Thank you," I said softly. "I know it's hard to share decisions when you're used to being in control. It's hard for me, too. I was alone for so long, I'm not comfortable relying on anyone else. I guess we both have to learn to trust that what we have is strong enough to hold us."

His expression softened, and his midnight blue eyes grew darker still. He moved so he could lean close enough to kiss me. Our lips met lightly, a tentative touch like the brush of a butterfly wing. Then he shifted closer and pushed me down, laying over me, though careful not to press too hard on my bruises.

His mouth found mine and he kissed me slow and deep. It was a little more than I liked, but I didn't stop him. I liked the weight and heat of his body, the scent and touch of his skin against mine, and the knowledge that he loved me and found comfort in this kind of closeness.

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