Dear Reader,

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Dear Reader,

Thank you so much for picking up this book, "An Enchantment of Iron"! If you aren't already aware, this book is the sequel to "A Vow of Thorns." If you haven't already read the preceding novel, I highly recommend you do so as it is essential to understanding this book. If you have read the first book, welcome to the sequel! It means the world to me that the synopsis has intrigued you enough to pick it up and open it (as much as you with a non-physical book, haha.) Although everyone is welcome to try reading this book, I feel that I should probably put some warnings in place! :)

This book will contain the following:

. Faerys (no duh!)

. Magic

. Flowery/prose-y writing

. Violence and Gore

. Some Sexual Content

. Lemon Curd (yup, even in this book)

Anyways, keeping all those advisory warnings in mind, I hope you enjoy the continuation of Saoirse's adventure! xoxo

- KissesofInk

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