Chapter Twenty-Four|| The Threat

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{Mathias' POV}

I growled thinking about the outcome of tonight. Rose finally drifted asleep and I was on my way to talk with her parents. Something about tonight didn't seem right.

What lycan would dare to step onto my territory?

I knocked on Christian and Scarlett's door and it was quickly opened by the queen herself.

"Is she okay?!"

"She's fine and she is finally sleeping. She'll be in bed probably all day tomorrow as well. It was a deep wound, but nothing too serious." I clarified.

"Let's move this to my office," Christian spoke, in full King mode.

I nodded, following the two of them there. We walked in and took our seats. Christian sat his forearms on his table as he sat across from me and sighed.

"Take me through it. Step by step."

"I had just gotten home when I got an odd feeling that something wasn't right. Then I felt the presence of another lycan that was not Rose. I instantly shifted and took off towards their scent and then I heard Nikobe's call to me. I saw them feet away from Rose and Nikobe and neither were paying attention to the threat after Nikobe was aware of my presence. The lycan charged at her, slicing her stomach pretty good. I managed to stop them in time before they tried something else."

"Why did this lycan step onto our territory? Or how did it even get near Rose, to begin with?"

"When lycans feel another presence on their territory they tend to go after the problem themselves. Nikobe most likely felt them and awoke Rose and took over in a way to protect her. At least that's usually the case for most half lycans. I'm sure you've heard the saying no two lycans can be in the same area without one coming out dead. Lycans have never mixed well after the first fall of the full lycan years ago. They're too power-hungry and greedy and without someone to lead them and control them...they went wild. It is why many wolves hated them and still do."

"That doesn't explain why they came after Rose or got into the kingdom." Scarlett pointed out.

"Lycans are very smart when it comes to senses. They wait for a perfect moment to attack or in this case, sneak in. We may be a huge beast, but we can make it seem like there's nothing lurking in the shadows. That's probably how that lycan got past border control. The lycan that came after Rose wasn't really after Rose. They were after Nikobe. That particular lycan saw Rose when she was in the ancestor realm waiting for someone to claim her vessel. As I said, they were greedy and were trying to take Rose by force as she told you when she first woke up. Nikobe saved her and they were pissed Nikobe took such a powerful vessel away from them."

"Yet you're still tense even though Rose is okay. What is there that you're not telling us?"

"Before I killed the lycan...I looked into her mind."

"You can do that to other lycans?" Christian's brow rose.

"Yes. I'm a full lycan after all. It's the main reason Nikobe's lycan form can be in the same room as me and not try to start a fight. She sees me as her alpha, for now, until I mark her and she becomes my equal."

"So what did you see?"

"Many lycans have claimed vessels, which is odd to me. In the lycan's memory, I saw them all leaving. It looks like a ghost town in the realm. Lycans are picky when it comes to their vessels. They want something strong and powerful, but they were choosing just anyone."

"Which means?"

"Something bad is about to happen. There is only one reason for a lycan to step onto my territory or even dare to lay a finger on my mate."

"And that is?"

"There's another full lycan. Lycans fear me. Even when I was a baby and was just born, many lycans felt my birth and already acknowledged me as their alpha. They came out of hiding just to see me. I mean... it had to be hundreds that surrounded my father's pack at the time for countless days. Now, they're...testing me. Which means there is another leader sending them. There's another leader calling out to them to come home from the ancestor realm. Only a full lycan can call out to the realm and conjure them up to come back down and into vessels."

"Don't they choose vessels at birth?"

"That's the thing...that's typically how it goes."

"But not for Rose."

"Exactly my point. Only a full lycan can give the gift of a bite and turn them, which makes me believe it even more."

"How can there be another full lycan? I thought the last one died years ago?"

"I thought the same." I sighed, sitting back into my chair thinking it over.

After a minute, I quickly sat up.

"My mother learned to block out her lycan half for years. I mean doing so, she even went undetected by my father who was also a lycan. If this person...never shifted and learned to block that side of them off...that could be how he went undetected."

"Mathias?" Scarlett's worried voice spoke.


"What would happen if there was...I don't know...another full lycan to mate with another full lycan?" My mother asked.

"It would create a new species of lycans. Their children would be full-blooded lycans and extremely powerful. Their bond alone...they'd be unstoppable."

"Could it be possible this lycan is a girl who heard of another full male lycan?" She asked and my eyes widened slightly.

"That's a good question."

"I mean they could have come out of hiding at any time and lead the lycans yet...once you're known and now you've found your mate, they suddenly appear. I may be overthinking but it's just a thought." Scarlett spoke.

"No...that's not a bad thought. It would make a lot of sense actually."

I clenched my jaw thinking about it.

This cannot be happening.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to get back to my mate," I muttered, standing to my feet.

"You're dismissed," Christian replied.

I turned on my heels, needing to be by Rose's side. 



What are your thoughts/predictions?




ps, I'm trying to update as much as I can on Radish in the spare time that I have to get this book done sooner for you all :) You've waited too long and deserve the chapters. 

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