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=| Warped Assassin Arc |=
Chapter 3: Meeting & Training Time


Midoriya and Nagisa walked down the hallway in the direction of the former's current class. On the way, Nagisa asked Midoriya how the educational system was like in U.A High School.

"Hmm...I wouldn't say it strays too far from a normal school," Midoriya said.

"Okay, but what exactly do you guys learn about here?" Nagisa asked, "Do you only get taught about things involving how to be a hero or are there other aspects you look into?"

They made a turn around a corner before Midoriya answered.

"Well, we do still have your general subjects like English, Math and History, but along with that normal side of education we also learn how to be heroes," he explained, "For example, we have training sessions and earlier in the year we got to choose our hero names and design our hero costumes!"

"Wow, seriously?"

Midoriya nodded, "Yeah, plus on top of that we're taught by real Pro-Heroes! In fact the two teachers we just spoke to are heroes themselves, well Aizawa-sensei is, All Might isn't anymore..."

Nagisa noticed Midoriya's wavelength became uneasy. He wondered why.

"Did...something happen?" Nagisa asked carefully.

"Well, he really just retired," Midoriya scratched his cheek.

"Was he a great hero?"

"Oh yeah!" Midoriya lit up, "He was the Number One Hero, the Symbol of Peace! Fighting crime with a smile on his face!" Midoriya's eyes sparkled, "I've looked up to him since I was a kid! And when I finally got to meet him in person, I swear I thought I was dreaming!" his eyes then softened, "He's definitely had a huge impact on my life here at U.A, in fact I don't think I could have come here...if it wasn't for All Might."

"So, you could say that he's an inspiration to you, and you look to him for advice and support?"

"Yeah, pretty much. Honestly, I owe him a lot," the greenet said, "That's why I try my best to work hard and give it my all so one day, I can be an amazing hero just like him!"

"I see," Nagisa's expression became unreadable. When Midoriya spoke about All Might, the former hero strangely reminded him of someone similar in his own life. He wondered if they were worried about the blunet's absence.

'Probably...' Nagisa thought, a sad smile forming on his face, 'It must be hard for everyone wondering where I am. I really wish there was a way I could contact them...'


Said blunet snapped away from his thoughts to look up at the greenet. Midoriya returned a confused expression.

"Is everything okay?" Midoriya asked, holding the door handle to a classroom.

Nagisa waved him off, "Ah, yeah I'm fine!"

Midoriya smiled, "Well anyway, this is my next class. I'm sure everyone will be happy to properly meet you!"

"Um okay," Nagisa said, slightly nervous.

"Don't worry you'll get along with most of them," the greenet said, "My class is Class 1A. We're a bit on the eccentric side but I'm sure you'll fit right in..."

'An eccentric class, huh? Maybe it won't feel to different from home,' Nagisa thought as Midoriya slid the door open and the two entered the classroom.

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