The Return

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Damn it's been awhile since I've posted.

I've had a writers block for a while but I've had some new insparation for the Bat boys and I want to start posting stuff again for you all.

Before I do that I wanted to get your opinions on how I should continue writing and what changes you want me to make.

COVID-19 frickin sucks and I know it's been hard on everybody to deal with everything that's changed. What I'm interested to know is, do you want to see how this pandemic has affected our lovely boys from the Bat fam? I like the idea of showing how they make adjustments to their lives just like we have all made adjustments to our lives.

If you want to read about how the Bat boys deal with the global pandemic please comment a 💜 at the bottom of this page.

I know reading is an escape for a lot of people and sometimes hearing about everything that's been going on in the news gets to be too much.

If you would like to read about the Bat fam going about their 'regular' lives without having to deal with a pandemic then please comment a 💛 at the bottom of this page.

Thank you! Your voices matter to me! Keep safe!

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