|| T H I R T Y- S I X ||

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"Oh, look what we have here"

Giovannious Dreven Lawborne, the prime minister of this kingdom saw me embracing a man that is not my husband.

I'm doomed.

He was smirking at us while I just froze on Alli's embrace. It was too much of me to meet Callioli Dulveus and to be in his arms, it's just too severe.

Why in the world did I have to meet him here and be seen like this?! What did I do so wrong for me to be punished like this?!

I look at Alli with my pleading eyes and he seem to notice our situation. He took his hands off of me and begin to explain towards Gio.

"This-its a misunderstanding" Alli said with a serious tone while he

Really, us that the best thing you've got? You just made things worse!

Gio didn't bother to listen as he point his cold  eyes to me. He was still smirking and annoying me, I wanna rip that smirk off of his face!

"Giovannious, this is really a misunderstanding. We are not close and he just saved me from falling on my feet" I explained as I stealthily gave distance to Alli.

"Why are you explaining it to me?" His words were like a strike on my heart and I couldn't help but fidget.

"Well then, I bid you goodbye" I immediately run off to the theater room and ask for forgiveness for leaving them for far too long.

The play was still going but I cannot focus on it. They seem to notice and urge me to go back home for me to rest more, I didn't refuse them and so rode through the carriage.


After freshening myself up, I asked about the twins and Amy told me that they are well. Now, I need to go to Alec's study room and explain or else, I might be skinned by my husband.

Turning left, I bump towards a body and immediately saw Gio with a scowl on his face. He looked at me coldly and spat.

"What have you done to him?" His words made me fear for what was about to come.

He seems to be thinking of something as he glare his eyes at me. It was full of provocation and disgust which honestly upsets me.

I haven't even done anything to him so why is he angry at me?

"Tch" he coldly harrumphed and got on his way while I shook my head, confused at his actions.

Now, my hands were sweaty and cold, I could feel sweat on my forehead and neck as my while body tremble in fear.

I don't really know what to do. What if he doesn't believe me? I can't handle someone who doesn't believe me, especially, if that someone is my husband.

Now that I think of it, I usually call him my Lord, then it went to my dear and my dear husband. Now, I see myself casually talking to him and getting used by his abrupt kisses.

This is getting serious.

I think it needs to stop.

So I opened the door and went inside. He was currently writing some kind of report and when he doesn't seem to notice me, I coughed.

"Alec?" My voice was weak and soft, unsure of what I was about to say.

"Hm? What is it? Is your foot all better now? Do you need some-"

"I met Alli, a man"

I didn't caught the emotion that flashed in his eyes but I didn't thought of it anymore. So I continued what I was about to say when he said.

"I knew"

Seems a bit too rushed eh? Anyways, I got a lot of assignments today so I hope you can be satisfied with this small chapter

Thank you for the votes and comments! Love you people!


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