Chapter 5: Silence at Last!

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Chapter 5: Silence At Last!

My morning had been pleasant for once. Aaron never returned last night and Travis was still fast asleep, when I woke up.

I was currently enjoying my breakfast, when the redhead from yesterday sat down next to me. I gave her a quick glance before continuing to eat, while ignoring her presence.

"Well look at you all quiet now!" She said, mockery written all over her demeanor. I placed the last piece of watermelon in my mouth before turning to her.

"Nicole was it?...I don't think we have met before" I said now, fully turning my attention to the woman in front of me. She wore a white t-shirt and a pair of orange overalls. Her unnatural colored red hair was fixed into two messy buns on either side of her head.

"Huh I thought you black teamers were good at remembering people" She snorted. I raised my eyebrow, who the hell did she think she is?!

"You must be from yellow team" I said, glancing at the clock, hoping that she had something better to do then annoy me.

"That is correct!" She said proudly. I gave her my best death stare, yellow team is the second best team right after black.

"Don't you have training to do?" I said, standing from the table, taking my tray with me.

"Like I need training, we girls need to show the men who are in charge" She snorted, standing up to follow me. Why was she so annoying?

She was right though, there are only four women working at the school other then the kitchen and cleaning staff:

Jess, who runs the medical wing.

Nicole from the yellow team.

Selina from red team

And Me

This is not a life for the faint of hearts.

"What did you say, again?" I asked as I got out of my thoughts to see Nicole looking strangely at me.

"Nothing" she said snickering. I grunted and made my way to my room, her following close behind. I opened the door and slammed it shut before she could go in.

"Bitch" she mumbled. I listened to her footsteps as she kept walking further down the hall.

I finally got to look around the room. Travis was laying on the floor, in a push up position, but he was looking up at me, not moving.

"Shouldn't you be in bed?" I asked, arching an eyebrow. He led out a laugh as he stood up facing me. I looked down at his bare chest, til my eyes landed on his bandage.

"Shouldn't you be in bed?" He asked back, grabbing his shirt from the table and pulled it over his head.

"Aren't you gonna kiss her!" The sarcasm and the taunting voice boomed from the door to the bathroom. I grabbed a book from the coffee table and flung it at him with as much force as possible.

It was not like there was anything between any of us!

He dug under it and watched as the book landed on the floor behind him.

"Well someone is cranky today!" He laughed, stepping past me and Travis, to get to his dresser.

"Asshole" I hissed as I walked into the bathroom. I slammed the door shut before turning to the mirror. The bruises had only faded slightly, making my whole face look a purple and blue color. I combed my hair and sat it in a tight bun on top of my head. I then splashed a handful of water in my face before leaving the bathroom again.

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