Hour of Tests

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Hour of Tests

Two——Hour of Tests

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      KIYOMI LIFTED HER HAND, HER LIPS PULLED INTO A FACADE THAT WAS UNBREAKABLE, and perhaps others would call it her 'bitch face'. Still, Kiyomi didn't allow other whispers to ever bother her. People would say whatever they wanted, and she never cared. That was her method of control when people would talk as they liked.

"Shiragane? The Shiragane clan?"

"Shitty Shinobi."

"Weakling clan."

"Despicable, inhuman, puppeteers."

"I thought they were all dead."

"Obviously not."


Kiyomi had heard all of this before. It was what her mother and father told her when she first said she would be the greatest Shinobi in all the sand. It was what they told her when she said she'd become the Kazekage. She was told there was no way. She was told that she might be the strongest or she might even be the smartest, but Suna had a way of covering dreams in the sand.

Her hand raised, tauntingly as she beckoned the ninja forward. The man was nearly double her age and definitely triple her weight in mere muscle. Still, her lips curled into an arrogant smirk. She became a Genin at 7, a Chuunin at 8, and a Jounin at 10. She was not afraid of any brute, no matter how many six-packs he might have.

He rushed at her, his steps too heavy for the sand. She watched them as she side-stepped. Her ballet flats made little imprints as she applied her Chakra into the brown specs. It kept her upright and kept her from sinking. Her parents had taught her to walk on sand before ever learning to walk on water. What large bodies of water were really in the land of wind anyway?

The brute charged at her again, his eyes narrowed as she side-stepped him with a very arrogant yawn. Her mother was likely shaking her head in the stands, wishing her daughter was more humble. Still, Kiyomi found modesty was of no use in the ring. People hated arrogance, and she loved exploiting the hot-headed nature of her opponent.

He raised his hands, and she watched them move in a swift Jutsu. Her narrow eyes were already scanning the imperfections in his movements. The heat was blistering on their backs, but the heat never bothered her. The Chakra manifested around his hands, but Kiyomi's Chakra sensing had always been too shit to properly feel others. Slowly, lightning began to crackle in his hands, covering his fists as his steps quickened. Where he stepped was nearly hot enough to create glass in the sand.

Her smile disappeared as she avoided his punch. The heat of the lightning nearly seared her skin as a trickle of excitement flooded into the weakening husk of her heart. There it is, she thought, adrenaline sweet and delectable.

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