Chapter 06

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"Please, allow me

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"Please, allow me." Martin pulled out his handkerchief and dusted the park bench before allowing Ellen to take a seat.

She smiled up at him as she said, "Oh, ever the gentlemen, you are."

He inclined his head before taking the seat next to her, then turned himself and comfortably leaned against the back of the bench and gazed at her.

Ellen glanced at him and then away. Her hands quickly moved to her lap. She was still as nervous as she'd been since he first came to call upon her that morning. It had only taken Martin two minutes to charm both her parents. And then it was a ride in his open carriage before they'd arrived at the park. Somewhere along the trail, they'd ditched her governess, who'd caught up with old friends — purposefully giving them a little private time. And here they were now. Finally, alone.

Or as alone as one could get in Hyde Park. There were others milling about. Families. Gentlemen walking alongside gentlewomen. A few dogs and a group of horse riders finished out the festivities.

Until a conversation a few feet away from him grabbed his attention. There was an old lord and a vendor, who was trying to sell him all manner of goods. The lord begun to yell at the older woman for blocking his way and her endless berating about how lovely her wares were.

Ellen was watching, too. And she was also aware of the moment a small child came up behind the lord and with ease, picked his pocket, but at the last minute, slightly bumped into him. The man begun to turn around as the boy headed for the trees, but the old confident woman, who was obviously working with the boy, began to apologize to the lord before getting on her way, heading in a different direction than the boy.

"His feet were posed wrong. That's why he bumped into the man." This from Ellen. She sighed. "He should have kept a bend in his knees. It also makes it easy to run when time. Had the woman not been quick on her feet, the boy would have been caught." Then she turned to look at Martin and laughed at his expression. He was sure the shock was written all over his face. "Oh, do calm down. I was only making notes." Then she turned away and ducked her head behind a dainty shoulder.

But it was much too late to act the innocent. "You've picked pockets before?"

She turned back to him, her pink lips fighting a laugh. She bit her lip and nodded.

Martin sat up and had to look Ellen over once more, for this was not the woman he'd believed her to be. Prior to this moment, he'd believed himself to be with a girl just like any other peeress, but Ellen had thrown him for a loop with her last comment. "Lady Kay?" He had to test her name to make sure he was with the right person.

She laughed then. "Oh, Lord Dawnton, please stop staring at me as though I've actually picked your pocket."

"Which you couldn't do," he cut in.

The look he got in return, one that almost begged him to challenge her, blew him down once more.

He narrowed his eyes, realizing he was actually having fun. The only reason he'd taken Ellen out at all, and was currently parading her in front of half the ton, was because he'd won and wanted to rub it in every other man's face. Especially Cecil's, who'd they'd happen to see earlier along their stroll. Ellen Kay, who'd been living with her family in the country, had caused quite a stir. Anything fresh always woke the men up, and she'd been like a breath of fresh air from all the other women.

Except for Abigail. Every man had noticed how well she'd come along. The curves could not be missed. It was as though she'd done nothing but eat cake for the last year. And it irritated Martin to no end to hear his friends talk about her. For a moment, he'd thought about calling upon her himself, but then he remembered wishing Charles good luck. And with Charles being a close friend, he could never overstep. Flirt on occasion, yes. But actually try and steal Abigail from under his nose?

No, Martin was many things, but he was not disloyal and this called for loyalty. Charles had not set his sights on Abigail simply to entertain himself for a spell, for light skirts could always be shared around. He's claimed her as his future countess and that had to be respected.

So, here he was with Ellen, and though he hadn't planned to court her... "Where'd you learn to do such a trick?"

Ellen stood. "I've three older brothers and no sisters. What else is a girl to do with her time?" Then she started to walk away.

And he was following her. "Where are you going?"

She sighed, without looking at him. Everything about her seemed different once again and he had no clue as to her mood. "We're at a park, are we not? I wish to walk."

He found his steps alongside her and watched his shoes crush into the grass, his hands behind his back. He looked at her again and found himself strangely... nervous. Was he nervous about a woman! "Are you upset?"

She glanced at him with those oh-so-pretty eyes. "No." But then she stopped talking to him as she spotted someone up ahead and smiled. "Oh, how lucky. There is Lady Abigail now." She began to wave wildly.

There is Lady Abigail now? When had they discussed her?

Martin turned from her and his eyes immediately found what he'd been looking for. Abigail in sunlight nearly knocked him over. Those curves.

But then his eyes moved to the man standing next to her. Charles, and it seemed he was doing everything he could to insure Abigail's hand. He held her hand as her arm was looped through his and he kept his head bent over so that he could speak to her without anyone else hearing their conversation.

Abigail looked up at Charles and laughed, and Martin was sure the sound of it was sweet, though she was still too far for him to have heard it.

* * *

Regency Romance: The Lords of Love (A Prequel to Wardington Park) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now