16 🍼

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Namjoon's POV:

The rest of the ride was pretty smooth, despite the bumps on the road that often made us wonder if the ruckus had caused our baby boy to wake up. But when Minji would turn her head over to look at him, he would be fast asleep.

Can you believe that not a single complaint emitted from him in his sleep? He just stayed still for the rest of the ride, not moving a muscle.

But as we took a small bump on the road, he began to wiggle his nose from side to side, angrily furrowing his eyebrows at the bothersome lift the bump caused his body to make. So, to make up for it, Minji softly guided her hand towards Jin and tapped on his shoulder, suggesting the boy to place his legs up on the seat.

Jin woke up and shook his head, insisting that he didn't want to dirty the seat with his shoes. That made me smile.

"Don't worry about it, Jin. The car needs to be washed tomorrow anyways, so just put your feet up in the meantime." I spoke. Jin turned his head back to face Minji, wanting to earn an approval from her as well.

"Do it, Jinnie. Go on, son. Lift your feet up. It'll be much better for you to rest this way." My dimples deepened just by staring at her beautiful smile, seeing how caring she was about Jin.

I was fearing that she might even ignore the boy and push him aside as if he wasn't her son, but stranger. Especially since she wanted to adopt Soo A in the first place, I wasn't really sure how Minji was going to react to keeping Jin.

But now that she's showing him so much affection, I'm very surprised. I'm so proud of her. I know that Jin has a really great mother figure in his life now. Minji and I might not be his biological parents, but we sure will treat him as our very own son.

And who knows. We might even consider adopting Soo A after Jin is settled in the house.

"REALLY? You would do that for me, Joonie?!" I jumped up, nodding at Minji with a smile. I didn't think I was talking out loud, haha. Oops.

"Of course, sweetheart. Absolutely! In fact, what if we adopt her on your birthday?" Minji suddenly gasped.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked, as Jin and I both worried about her safety.

"Mommy Minji, what's wrong?" Asked Seokjin, leaning towards the front of the car, where we were sitting. Once Minji had pulled herself together and collected some fresh air, after hyperventilating for a little bit, she quickly started to explain everything to us.

"You see, my birthday is on April fifth, right?" We nodded, as Jin learned about her birthday and birth date for the first time, which is something he didn't know about Minji.

Something about that date seemed to ring a bell to him, judging by the way he had widened his eyes at us.

"MOM!! DAD! Soo A's birthday is on April-"

"APRIL fifth, RIGHT?" Minji and Seokjin started to excite themselves as I planned ahead of time, thinking about what to even do on that day for both Minji, and my soon-to-be daughter, Soo A.

I can't wait to adopt her so that we can have both her and Jin playing with each other. That way, we not only bring ourselves extra company and happiness in our home, but we give that little girl a new home. A new family.

What better than that? Thinking about it makes me want to go back to the orphanage and adopting her right away. But unfortunately, we can't. First off, we're already halfway home, and secondly, Jin needs time to get used to our apartment.

He needs to settle in it, and aside from that, we also have to transfer him to a new school. For the first time, actually. From what I heard, Jin stopped going to school when he was in forth grade, because he was bullied by the way he would go dressed to his classroom.

All of his classmates would make fun of him for wearing the so-called 'Rags' that he would have on, and accuse him of having a distinct odor every time he would arrive to the school he was in before.

I heard about this from the lady back in the orphanage. Just by knowing that, it broke my heart. Why do kids have to be so mean and judge others by the way they look?

If only they knew what that poor boy had been through, they wouldn't have been so mean to him at all.

But what's in the past, can't be changed. That's why I want to make Jin's presence memorable for him, and I want to avoid seeing him to through troubles on his own.

At least he can sleep peacefully tonight, in a warm, comfy bed. In fact: If he wants to stay up late, he's more than welcome to. Minji and I are used to being night owls anyways, so we can all bond and watch a movie tonight.

"When's your birthday, Seokjin?" I asked, switching lanes in between the traffic. It's best to avoid getting stuck in a traffic jam now, because all that I want to do is go back home so that we can prepare Jin's room.

Well... It is prepared, but it's just different. Since Minji thought that she was going to adopt Soo A right away, today, we had set up a room especially for her to stay in.

However, the moment we make it back, we'll change everything. The bedsheets, pillows, curtains, ect.

"The forth of December."

"OOOF! That's far from now." I replied, making the boy giggle with my voice. His laughter never fails to make me smile. What does that voice of his have? Magic? Haha, just kidding.

"What day is your birthday, dad?" Jin asked. This time, Minji decided to respond.

"Joonie's birthday is on September twelve."

~ Silence ~

We became curious as to why Seokjin had kept his silence for such a long time now, so Minji turned her head over to face him. And what she saw, frightened her.

"Jinnie? What's wrong? Are you okay?" Hearing the fear in her voice made me worry, so decided to I crane my neck over to check up on Jin.

When I saw him, he had turned pale and was shivering severely. The first signs he showed of having a second panic attack.

♥*♡∞:。.。 (^.^) 。.。:∞♡*♥

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