Case #2: Hell's Gate: Part 20

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I sighed and began shrugging out of my coat. It floated up from my grasp and landed gently on the coat rack beside me.

"You're getting better with that."

He didn't answer.

I looked around the room, not really expecting to see him. But a girl can hope. "Cyril?"

"There's blood on your face."

My hand went up to my cheek. I'd forgotten about the stinging cut just under my eye from when I'd thrown myself on Camilla. It'd stopped hurting a long time ago but I still should probably clean it.

"Occupational hazard," I said, heading toward the kitchen. I snagged a rag from the drawer and ran it under cool water from the sink.

I twisted the excess out and started padding at my cheek. It came away muddy red, so I dabbed at it again.

"Though I do seem to be the 'wound-magnet' as it were," I joked. "I mean, this is our second case and I'm still the only one sporting bodily injury. Maybe my second psychic ability is 'wound-magnet' or something? Not as cool as name invocation though."

His voice came out hard and cold, like steel. "This is not funny."

I startled at the edge to his voice. "Cyril?"

"You were hurt," he snapped. "Again. Or do you not recall the massive claw marks raked across your back from your first incident?"

Like in the graveyard, I was suddenly very conscious of the giant gashes on my back. "Of course I remember, but this is just a scratch, Cyril, there was this—"

"Just a scratch?" he interrupted bitingly. "You were supposed to be careful, Stella. You were supposed to come back without even a scratch. This is centimeters below your eye. What if it had cut you there? What if it had been deeper?"

"Camilla was there and—"

"You cannot keep doing this if you keep throwing yourself into harm's way. I won't allow it."

That did it. Like a switch, I was suddenly very, very angry.

I threw the rag down onto the counter. "Say that last part, one more time, because it almost sounded like you said you won't allow me to do whatever I damn well please."

"Not if you insist on throwing yourself into danger."

"So you are telling me what I can and cannot do!"

His voice rose to match mine. "Your recklessness needs to be checked, Stella!"

"My recklessness? I just saved a girl's life, Cyril!"

"You were supposed to be safe! You were supposed to take precautions! Isn't that why Noah was meant to be there? To ensure this didn't happen?"

"Noah isn't responsible for me!"

"Perhaps he should be, considering you're hardly responsible for yourself!"

"God, why are you freaking out about a single scratch?"

His voice bellowed, ringing out throughout the apartment. "Because you seem to be unaware of the fact that you are capable of dying, Stella!"

Having a dead person mention death brought me up short.

He took my stunned silence as an opportunity to continue, his voice loud and furious. "I have died Stella! Regardless of how it is depicted in entertainment or the news today, it is still a violent and unpleasant experience, with your soul severed from your mortal body! It is not gentle, it is not peaceful, and it is permanent! Permanent! Your callous disregard for your own safety is hastening you toward this end when you still have years ahead of your life and I will not sit by and allow this behavior to continue!"

I fumbled for words. To argue back, to deny my own recklessness, to counter his points, I don't know. I couldn't think of any words to say.

Coolness blossomed on my cheeks. His hands became solid, gently cradling my face in his hands. And when he spoke, his voice was softer, lower. Though it still radiated with fury, there was something else rapidly growing in his tone: fear.

"I am in awe of your desire to protect others. It is a noble trait and I would not have you surrender any part of yourself but you must exercise caution, Stella. Ghosts are dangerous. You've already seen for yourself the damage we are capable of inflicting. And here you are, surrounded by this danger by fighting for those unable to fight for themselves, and yet you act recklessly. Putting your well-being and your life in jeopardy each time. It has to stop, Stella."

His hands felt real. Solid. More so than any time before.

"I'm not going to stop working with Rose to help people."

He sighed. And for a moment, he didn't answer.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he spoke.

"I am not asking you to. I just...I'm worried. Twice you've confronted ghosts and twice you've suffered bodily harm because of it. I want you to exercise caution. To be careful. Please."

He was afraid. For me.

And he was right. I'd felt invincible with my powers, like there was nothing I couldn't do. But I could still bleed. I could still get killed doing this.

I needed to draw a line here too. No more acting recklessly. I needed to be thoughtful and logical about this. I needed to take better care of myself.

"I will. I promise."

He sighed heavily. "Thank you. I'm sorry for my outburst."

"As you should be," Oliver voice came from behind me.

Cyril's hands fell from my face.

"Yelling at a woman," Oliver continued chidingly. "Good Lord, Cyril."

I turned, catching Bronte quickly shutting her door, hoping not to have been spotted.

I sighed and pushed my glasses up onto my head. "Sorry. I didn't mean to shout."

"Neither did I," Cyril said.

Oliver hesitated a beat. "Well, since we're all airing our apologies, I believe I owe one as well. To both of you. For my behavior lately."

"It's fine, Oliver. I understand."

"Nevertheless, I behaved abhorrently and I'm sorry. To you especially, Cyril."

"Apology accepted."

"Thank you. Now, if you'll excuse me, my lady awaits."

I shook my head, marveling at his chipper attitude. "He bounced back quickly."

"As to be expected of Oliver," Cyril said. "I am glad to see him like his normal self again."

I moved toward the living room and plopped down on the sofa. "I'm going to sit here and not move for at least three hours. Want to join me?"

"Only if we watch one of those superhero movies."

I'd already reached for the remote to pull up Netflix. "Cyril, you read my mind."

To be continued in Opposition, Book 2 of Apparition Investigations.  Coming soon!

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