Sylvia K.

504 81 191

Arabella went back to the store to see Bertie. She was grateful that he was quick to respond, after all, if anyone would know anything about whatever was happening with her apartment, it would be her next-door (building) neighbors.

At first, Bertie hesitated to confirm through the phone call what exactly was causing the disturbance in her home. She had to retell the experience, starting from the eggs that all mysteriously broke on the first day she moved in, up to the police's indifference.

Whatever it was, only one thing was for certain. They were definitely not rats, and the flypaper would not help her case at all.

She pushed the door open, causing the shop bell to alert the store of her arrival. Arabella found the teenage boy, the one with jet black hair, solitary behind the counter. Upon seeing her, he called for Bertie and within minutes he came out of the small office to assist her.

"I don't mean to bother you, but I would like to take you up on your offer." Arabella smiled sheepishly, she felt uncomfortable asking for favors.

Bertie nodded and took his coat off the hook. "We really didn't want to scare you away from here this early, but maybe it's best that you're the one living there now." He offered her a small smile.

"You seem to be made of sturdier stuff, eh?"

Arabella highly doubted that, but she held her tongue.

"Most would've run away by now. You're good on the head." He chuckled and asked his son to remain in the store. The blonde boy, Alex, if she had heard his name correctly, groaned his disappointment. He really wanted to see her infamous apartment.

"Come on now, I've called her, and she said she's available."

Surprised at the sudden decision, Arabella turned to face Bertie. "Who's available?"

"The one who will help you."

She followed him out of the store and they proceeded to walk down the street towards the subway steps. Although the MTA looked clean at first glance, the walls were tattered with posters and vandalism. They approached a terminal to get a MetroCard. Bertie waited on the sidelines while she fished for some money.


Arabella turned and there was a balding man behind the terminal observing her.

"Do you wanna buy my MetroCard instead? I'm moving to Florida and I won't be needing it anymore. It has 50 dollars on it, but since you seem like a nice girl, I'll give it to you for 32." He sped through his words, as he looked around shiftily.

Arabella was tempted—that would save her 18 dollars! She continued to fish for money in her bag.

"Hey! You!" Bertie approached them in a few determined strides. "Fuck off or I'll have you arrested!"

Startled, Arabella stopped fishing for money and stared at the man who was also spooked by Bertie. "Man, we all just wanna earn some dough. Why you gotta be like that?"

Bertie advanced a step, readying a fist on the side of his chest, and the bald scammer scampered off, even stumbling on his step in his haste to get away.

"You be careful now, Arabella. You're living in the city and we got some shady people 'round 'ere."

She nodded dutifully and placed her money in the terminal, taking a 7-day unlimited MetroCard pass. It was very discouraging to have face a problem like this so soon after having moved. It almost seemed like a sign that she ought to go back to her mother's house instead of striking it out on her own.

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