[3] - Old Friends

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The duo was quite confused with the teacher and he soon introduced himself noticing (M/n) gave a wave before continuing his conversation with the captain and vice-capatain.After that day they all went to the store near by,Daichi saying he was treating.Kageyama and Suga were having a mini convo before the rest caught up.

"Most of the players from Kitagawa Daiichi went to Aoba Johsai right?Won't it be uncomfortable?"

Suga asked but Kageyama rested assured had no worries really.Suga then turned to (M/n) wondering the same thing but he just shook his head "no" letting him know he was fine.Soon Daichi came out with the pork buns,everyone was simply eating but (M/n) was looking at his bag concerned.Tanaka noticed.

"Hm? (L/n)-san aren't you gonna eat?"

(M/n) snapped out of his trance before turning to him shaking his head "no" then pointing to another way simulating that he's gonna go on ahead before quickly thanking Daichi with a bow.The rest waved and he walked the other way.

"Hey... have you notice that he never really takes off that mask?"

Tanaka pointed out which got the others thinking ( with the expectation of kageyama).Which the others soon agreed on.

"Nee, Kageyama have you seen him take off his mask before?"

In which Kageyama quickly answered with a small frown.

"No... No one has ever really seen (M/n) without his mask,even during practices,lessons too whenever it's lunch he usually disappears but even if you see him he's still wearing his mask..."

Which almost concerned the team but also confused them.. Why did he keep the mask on,was he sick? No... there wasn't really a reasonable answer to it, so Daichi asked.

"Do you know why?"

"Not really... the most that I've know was cause of what happened to him in the past maybe even related to how he lost his voice..."

Kageyama trailed on, his friend was still as mysterious as his reasons which really did perked up the curiosity they had on the masked first year.

(M/n) walking his way back home clenched his bag of pork bun thinking.

"No.... I can't let them know yet... I'm not ready.."

-The Next Day-

The team gathered around their captain and advisor talking about their positions.Their starting line was this

(WS) Tanaka (MB) Hinata (WS) Sawamura

(S) Kageyama (MB) Tsukishima (WS) (L/n)

They were letting the opposite team get a taste of their first years sadly the exception of Yamaguchi.They were quickly discussing some facts and strategies sadly putting some pressure on Hinata since it be his first official match as a team.

Soon the day before the match arrived, practiced ended and (M/n) was getting ready for bed after some dinner.He was ready to sleep until he noticed a photo.That photo that had included him and the now two third years of Aoba Johsai, a certain setter and wing spiker.The small photo certainly brought up some past memories of their first meeting and onwards after meeting the duo.


It was a simple practice match against another school and some two alumni came to visit.

"Ah Oikawa-kun, Iwaizumi-kun it's been a while,"

The coach greeted them,(M/n) didn't pay much attention he merely sighed as he knows he wouldn't get to play again,he never really practiced with the team anyway so it was a very low chance.The match started,the two alumni standing next to the coach checking out the members so far.That was until Oikawa's eye caught a small masked boy on the sidelines,tapping iwaizumi motioning to the boy and he too found him quite interesting.Out of curiosity, the two strolled over to the masked boy which he didn't noticed until Oikawa spoke.

His Voice [Haikyuu x Male Reader Insert]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat