Entry #12

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Hey guys! This is Hampyeol and welcome back!

For this part's entry, I have here another article which tackles about the youth empowerment. This was cited from casper.foundation.com.

"Youth Empowerment for a Better Society"

Youth empowerment is a process where children and young people are encouraged to take control of their own lives. They do this by addressing their situation and then take appropriate action in order to improve their access to resources and transform themselves by changing their beliefs, values, and attitudes. The main goal of youth empowerment is to improve the quality of life. Youth empowerment is different than youth development. Youth empowerment is more inclusive and thorough. Youth development is centered on developing individuals, while empowerment is focused on creating greater community change.

Empowering the youth enables them to take on a leadership role in the community. Today’s youth still face many attitudinal challenges to self-empowerment. Both the problem and the solution begin at home with their parents. Leadership training must start from early childhood, as these young adults learn to take gradual responsibility for their own decisions. Only through self-determination, can these youth eventually achieve leadership in their respective communities.

In addition to parental guidance, society has responsibility to create opportunities for these young adults to exercise good leadership. We must focus on the practice of leadership rather than the theory. Young adults should be given the opportunity to practice what they learn, such as being responsible for designing, organizing, and implementing their own projects.

We need to encourage youth to pursue their own interests, and help them integrate into their local communities. Ultimately, the establishment of young leaders in all aspects of society will improve the lives of all youth and improve our community as a whole. But to do that youth should be offered new experiences and opportunities. They need to learn and grow from their own successes and failures.

Love lots, Hampyeol.

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