28 : The Anger

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Yoongi can't seem to believe what his eyes are seeing. He clench his fist as he march into the person, yanking their shoulder and throw them into the floor. The man scream in pain as yoongi throw punches at him.

He can't control it.

Seeing what that man does to someone he cares.

Seeing that someone he cares look so vulnerable. All he wanted to do was to hug her and tell her that everything is gonna be okay. But his anger took him as he kept on throwing punches at the man.

Not long after that, voices can be heard. People start coming to the source of the sound and Jimin and Taehyung was one of them. Seeing what Yoongi does, they hold yoongi's hand and shoulder, trying to prevent him from throwing another punches. Jungkook was right behind them and he can't help to wide his eyes to the scene that's going on. His eyes fell to the girl who's crying and hugging herself. He quickly went to her and give her his jacket while the scene is still going on.

"Let me go! I'm gonna beat this asshole to death" Yoongi said as he's trying to break away from Jimin and Taehyung's grip.

"No hyung, stop it. Can't you see that he already looks half dead?"

"No, not until he's dead"

The commotion draws Namjoon, Hoseok, and Seokjin as they walk into the scene, there's a lot of people surrounding the area so they cannot see clearly. But when some of the people make way, they got the clearer view and Seokjin starts to tremble at what he saw.

"What's going on here?" Namjoon ask with his eyebrow furred, trying to figure out what's wrong.

Seokjin gaze fell into the girl direction where she is being held by Jungkook, her tears can't stop flowing. His thoughts go everywhere and then he realized what's going on. He start to march his way into the man, trying to punch him as Namjoon and Hoseok held him.

"Hyung, calm down. Yoongi already beat him half death. I think someone needs you more" Namjoon said as Seokjin gaze softned. His words are right. Seokjin starts to calm down as he walks toward someone who need him the most. He threw his arm around her so tightly like she's the only thing he have in this world.

He cannot believe what's happening.

He feels like he failed.

He failed as a brother to her.


Seokjin eyes wonder to  the scenery outside the car window. Beside him lay down a girl who's  sleeping peacefully. She looks so innocent, like an angel. His eyes  start to shut as his tears start to flow.

"I'm sorry Y/N. I'm  sorry I can't protect you" his voice come out as a whisper as he took another gaze to the girl and kiss her forehead.

Everything seems like a movie to him as everything happens so quickly. He was drinking with  Namjoon, Hoseok and the other idol group when he heard a commotion. Someone said that there's a fight going on.

Namjoon eyes start to search for the other member of his group when he couldn't find them. He have a bad feeling about this and ask Seokjin and Hoseok to come with him to the scene. At first Seokjin didn't think to much, but as he saw his precious one getting hurt, he just can't contain his anger.

Namjoon starts to take control of the situation as he start to call out the staff to report  what's going on. The staff called the police and they asked Namjoon to come for some questions. At first Seokjin insisted on going as he want  to beat the crap out of the man but Namjoon insist that he needed  somewhere else.

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