14. Crepes and Luxury Cuisine

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"Chocolate banana crepes, here you go," Eda set the plate before the pink-haired boy, who spluttered, flabbergasted.

"You just told me I shouldn't eat dessert for breakfast!" Shinomiya argued, "and why is it chocolate again? You trying to pick a fight??"

Eda hummed to himself, reaching to make another crepe with the leftover batter, ignoring the pink-haired boy completely.

"Here you go, Shinomiya-kun," Sekimori put the cup of tea on the table, beside the crepe, "enjoy your meal."

"Y- Yessir!"

Shinomiya let it set that all of a sudden, he was getting served some sugary breakfast. What's this situation?

"Here's your portion, Eda-kun," Sekimori put another cup on the table, "could I have a crepe, too?"

"Thanks, Sekimori-senpai," Eda responded, flipping the crepe in the pan. "I'm making this one for you. You might want to make yourself a cup while you're waiting."

Shinomiya took a bite out of the crepe, only to recoil.

"It's bitter!" he complained, "dark chocolate?!"

"You're supposed to take large bites out of a crepe, not nibble the corner," Eda turned around exasperated. "Just drink some tea."

Shinomiya grumbled moodily as he drank some of his goddamn tea.

Then he just sparkled.

"It's really good tea," he said, and Sekimori gave a thumbs up. Shinomiya glared at the crepe for another moment-- then he ate another bite.

Then he screamed.

A whole bunch of seniors ran toward the kitchen, only to find Shinomiya crying on the table, Sekimori enjoying a... is that a crepe? And Eda is poised like he's fending off a demon possession, two ladles before him in a cross.

"Uhm, what's going on?"


"Chocolate and green tea are always a match made in heaven," one of the seniors explained, after getting a rundown of the situation. "Is Shinomiya dead?"

"Yeah, he apparently just hates admitting anything I make is delicious," Eda explains, wiping down the crockery and returning them to their rightful shelves.

"I mean, you did pour caramel sauce all over his crepe," Sekimori laughs a little, "it was overkill. You could probably win a Shokugeki with your level of skill, you know?"

"A Shokugeki, huh..." Eda considered. "You exaggerate. It's nothing much, I just threw the dish together with what was available."

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