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You guys are so sweet! Thank you for all the comments, you have no idea how much it means to me!

Special thanks on this one to smilingshadowskater and Unstablebeing <3


When Yoongi came back home he immediately noticed two things. One, his beloved cat had come down from the closet. And two, the problem she had been having since the beginning of today was clearly with him.

The moment he got comfortable on the couch and joined Melody and Hoseok in their video binging he noticed that she moved a slight bit away from him. He tried to convince himself he was just imagining things, but the moment he crossed eyes with Hoseok he could tell that the younger saw it too.

This hurt, this really hurt.

"Min-seo noona is coming by later." Yoongi mentioned, trying to get his mind off of this whole situation. Immediately Melody backed off even more, retreating to a corner where she was barely visible.

A small pause between the boys followed, too surprised at the fact that Melody was so clearly disturbed by something. Yoongi was just confused. Not sure what he had done wrong and why she seemed to hate him now.

Hoseok on the other hand was intrigued. After all of his conversations with Jimin he was starting to suspect what was going on with the tiny feline. All he needed was to wait, so he could confirm everything.

"What is she coming over for?" He asked, eyes still on the tiny reflections in the corner of the room.

"What?... oh, I asked her to drop off some stuff." Yoongi decided that was enough torture for today. He went to his room and spent the rest of the time trying to distract himself even more.

Meanwhile Hoseok gestured for the cat to come back over and after some hesitation, she did.

"You know, we do have a spare bedroom if you are interested." The bright blue eyes looked into his.

"We originally all had our own rooms, but Jimin and I decided we would rather share a room." A questioning look was all he needed to see.

"We are kinda the social butterflies in the group, we don't like being alone." Hoseok said whilst already leading the cat to where the spare room was.

"See?" He asked, opening the door and letting the cat get inside before he followed. "It doesn't have a bathroom, so you probably have to share that one with Yoongi still... But, at least you will have your own room right?" 

A small meow followed, and Hoseok took it as an agreement.

"I'll tell the others to move some of their boxes out, and I'll ask Yoongi hyung for some of your stuff ok?"

again a meow followed and Hoseok felt a paw on his leg. He crouched down and scratched her head for a little after making sure she wouldn't mind.

Hoseok was reminded of the time he had just found out about the shape-shifting girl and the fact that he had been so scared and so confused by it all. He still didn't understand any of it, but he had decided he didn't care. Sure, it was a girl that could turn into a cat, but she was also sweet, caring and most importantly, a friend.

The two spent the next few hours organizing the room and making it inhabitable. Well... mostly Hoseok, since as a cat Melody couldn't exactly do much. They were finally finished when Yoongi opened the door and looked inside.

"Min-seo came by.-" he said, his voice sounding distant. "- I thought you might want this."

He left a large paper bag on the floor before turning back and closing the door. Yoongi was clearly hurt, and Melody felt horrible about it, but Hoseok decided this was all for the best.

"I bet it has been years since you've had your own room." he said ignoring the cold that Yoongi's tone had left.

A meow confirmed his statement.

"It's all basic needs you know." Hoseok tried to explain, remembering what he had been taught. "first, you want food and shelter. Then you will want privacy. And next you will find.... something else. I didn't exactly pay much attention in high-school.-" He laughed, thinking about how he behaved when he was younger. "- anyhow, once that need shows up, and you need help from one of us, just ask. Or meow. You are dear to all of us you know?"

Melody was moved. Though she didn't know the guys well, and yes that freaked her out, she couldn't help but feel close to them.

Hoseok left her alone to get used to the room and Melody immediately went for the bag her owner had left for her. It smelled funny, like a unfamiliar perfume. with her front paws she pulled the top of the bag, and as it fell she could finally see the contents.

They were clothes. All types of different clothes. Some looked beautiful, some looked comfortable and all looked like a very sweet and thoughtful gift for her.

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