Chapter 26

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Hey guys, back on chapter 19 I asked you guys what you'd like to see next. A Lucifer and The Originals crossover fanfic is what got the largest amount of 'votes' DamonXStefan coming in second.

Due to this, I have good news. I have uploaded the Lucifer and Originals Fanfic, currently it is on my page. So if you wanna read it, you can find it there. CHECK IT OUT AND GIVE ME SOME FEEDBACK!

Otherwise, that's it. Stay safe, and wash your hands? My Regionals have been postponed due to corona (covid-19), and there's a large chance my school will be canceled as well. So make sure you all are keeping healthy. 

Without further ado... chapter 26.

3rd Person POV -

Angel hears a baby cry, waking her from whatever slumber she was in. Taking a breath of air, she tries to force her eyes open. Although, the task proves more difficult than expected. After a couple more tries, Angel is finally able to open them enough to barely see.

"Hello," she croaks horsley. Her voice was tired from not being used. Closing her eyes again, she takes another deep breath before forcing them open. Succeeding, light floods her senses, making her want to close them again. Although, she stops herself.

"Angel?" She hears a voice question. Feeling herself being pulled up into a hug only a few seconds later. Seeing the long blond hair, Angel instantly knows who it is.

"Bekah," Angel whispers. Pulling her arms around the blonde as tightly as she can. Taking a deep breath of the familiar vanilla perfume she tended to wear. Angel tries to ask Rebekah what's going on but stops herself when she feels herself being tugged further into Rebekah's arms.

After a couple of minutes have passed, Rebekah finally pulls away from the hug. Looking at her, Angel notices the tears that were forming in her eyes. And by the look of her wet cheeks, she had shed a few of them already.

"What happened, why are you crying?" Angel asks, both concerned and slightly afraid. While waiting for a response, Angel tries to gently pull herself out of bed. Almost completing her task, and getting her legs out of the blanket and feet hanging off of the edge. Although before she can get all the way out Rebekah stops her.

"No, no, you should be resting. I'll go get Kol and Nik, don't try to leave the bed." The blonde Original tells Angel sternly before speeding out of the room. It's only a minute at most later when Rebekah comes back in, this time accompanied by 3 other people.

"Kol, Nik?" Angel questions, looking at them as they enter the room. Letting out a gasp when she notices the other person in the room. Smiling with tears in her eyes, placing a hand on her stomach. Which is now. Flat.

"Is that," Angel starts. Kol and Niklaus interrupting her with a nod, before walking over with the small baby in their arms. Happy tears streaming down her face. Watching as Nik places the baby into her waiting arms.

"She's beautiful," Angel gasps. Placing a kiss on the baby's forehead. "Did you guys name her yet?" Angel asks absentmindedly, still focused on the baby in her arms.

"We had a name in mind, but we're leaving it up to you," Kol tells her softly, running a hand through Angel's head softly. Words couldn't describe how much he had missed her while she was gone.

"What's the name?" Angel asks them, finally looking out up to meet their gaze.

"Hope," Niklaus replies softly.


"De la cendre à l'os, de la chair à la vie. From ash to bone, from bone to flesh, from flesh to life."

The chanting begins softly, although as time passes, the chanting begins to grow louder. Drops of blood dropping to the floor a few seconds after. Although the blood is ignored as the chanting again continues to grow louder.

"De la cendre à l'os, de la chair à la vie. From ash to bone, from bone to flesh, from flesh to life."

By now, it's yelling more than chanting. It only goes on for a few more seconds, before it stops. Vision beginning to fade, a gasp is the last thing heard before the world goes black.


"How did I miss it?" Angel questions softly. Her and Kol had just put hope to sleep in her crib, and they were now alone in the room. Niklaus had been reluctant to leave Hope and Angel's side but finally decided to go shower. Only under the condition that Kol would stay with them, a condition in which Kol was happy to oblige.

"Darling," Kol begins. Angel interrupts him before he can really start.

"My child was brought into this world, and I don't even remember it. I gave birth. And I don't even remember it. How can I be her mother when I don't even remember giving birth to her," Angel whispers. Her voice is barely being heard, even with vampire hearing.

Looking over at his mate, Kol quickly pulls her into his arms. "Darling, no-no. You might not have been conscious, but that doesn't make you any less of a Mother to Hope. You went through a lot, and we're lucky you're alive. Angel, Darling, don't worry," Kol finishes with a smile on his face. Placing a kiss on Angel's forehead. Watch as she closes her eyes and sighs in comfort. Even though the speech was short, it seemed to make Angel feel better.

All of her mates seemed to have that effect on her, but more some reason. Kol could calm her down the most. Sometimes it felt like each of her mates had a different effect on her. All were good but different.

"Angel, there's something else we need to talk about," Kol speaks again. They were still in Hope's room, so they had to keep their voices hushed so as not to wake her. They did not want to deal with the task of putting her to bed for a second time.

Digging her head further into Kols chest, Angel lets out a 'hmm' in acknowledgment.

"Elijah," Kol begins. Being interrupted for a second time. "No, Kol, please. Not right now, I can't right now. Please, tomorrow. Just Kol, please," Angel begs. Her voice breaking towards the end.

Angel loved Elijah. Loves, she wanted to correct herself. Even though he was dead, Angel still loves him. But at that moment, Angel couldn't think about the fact he was dead. Because after all, it was her fault. And currently, she couldn't even process that.

All she wanted to do was sleep. Everything hurt, and she was exhausted. Maybe a night of sleep would clear her head a bit, tomorrow was going to be rough. And she had to be strong, she didn't just have herself and her mates to worry about now. She had a daughter. And she had to make sure she grew up safe and loved.

"Can I go to bed?" Angel asks, "Nik is just in the bathroom attached. I'll be fine, so you can stay and watch Hope." Angel adds after seeing the look on his face.

"Of course, Darling. I love you, sweet dreams," Giving her a soft kiss on the lips, Angel leaves the room softly. A single tear falling down her cheek.

"You need to drink, you'll want to be in full strength," The women lectures, holding out a glass full of dark red blood. A grey veined hand grabbing the glass, a slight mumbling of a thank you made before the blood is quickly drunk.

"You can leave as soon as you're back to health," The woman adds. Picking up a coat and heading towards the door. "I must leave now, but I wish you luck." She finishes.

A voice stopping her seconds before she shuts the door behind her.

"Thank you, Bonnie."

"You're welcome, Elijah."

Word Count - 1311


If you're reading this far, do any of you guys play any sports? If so... which one(s)?

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