[Season 1] Ep. 7 - Heroes Rise

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After a night of restless excitement, fueled by both anticipation and nerves at the prospect of meeting the greatest hero of all time, I leaped out of bed, ready to tackle the day head-on! A brisk, refreshing shower jolted my body and mind awake, setting the tone for the adventure ahead. With a quick change of clothes, I dashed to the common room for breakfast, eager to fuel up for the day's challenges.

I wasn't alone in my early morning enthusiasm. Daichi, our spirited dragon classmate, was already perched on the couch, eyes glued to the TV screen, while Katsuro's stoic demeanor hinted at a deeper turmoil beneath the surface. I exchanged quick greetings with them before diving into the kitchen to whip up a bowl of cereal.

As I quietly savored my breakfast, lost in thought, Masako joined me at the table, her tense expression mirroring my own apprehensions about our first hero class.

- "Feeling nervous about our first hero class?" she asked, her gaze distant.

- "Who wouldn't be? It's not every day you get to learn from Ultra Bright, the ultimate hero. Makes our quirks feel a bit... inadequate, doesn't it?" I replied, twirling my spoon absentmindedly.

Suddenly, Shiro burst into the room like a burst of energy, his enthusiasm infectious even at this early hour.

- "Hey, no gloomy faces here! We're about to meet THE superhero! If we don't level up after this, then we've got something to worry about. But for now, let's give it our all and see how far we can go. Sound good?"

His blunt but pragmatic pep talk managed to lift our spirits, drawing a smile from both Masako and me.

- "You're right. Let's focus on giving it our best shot and evaluate afterward," I declared with newfound confidence, clearing my dishes and heading towards the door to slip on my shoes and make my way to class.

As I entered our classroom, Kenshin was already seated, his restless leg betraying his inner tension. Our brief eye contact sent a chill down my spine, the animosity between us almost tangible. Thankfully, Shiro and Masako arrived behind me, diffusing the tension as we settled into our seats, the class about to commence.

With everyone present, we eagerly awaited the ringing of the bell signaling the start of our lesson. Finally, it chimed, and the door creaked open, revealing the towering figure of our instructor. Ultra Bright, with his immaculately styled brown hair and piercing blue eyes, exuded an aura of authority and warmth as he greeted us with a dazzling smile.

- "Behold, the new generation destined to carry on my legacy... Each and every one of you shows the potential to become great heroes! I am Ultra Bright, your Heroics Teacher. Pleasure to make your acquaintance, children!"

With eager smiles plastered across our faces, my classmates and I welcomed our new teacher with open arms. "Warm" hardly did him justice – he practically radiated sunlight from head to toe. Clad in a vibrant red and white costume, a nod to our beloved homeland, he added splashes of blue and silver that only served to amplify his brilliance. His quirk, Sun Absorption, allowed him to harness the power of sunlight, enhancing both his strength and vitality. The sheer heat emanating from his muscular frame made the room feel like a sauna. And then there was his cape, a dazzling display of white and red flamboyance that served a practical purpose: to keep his quirk perpetually charged, ensuring he was always at his peak.

 And then there was his cape, a dazzling display of white and red flamboyance that served a practical purpose: to keep his quirk perpetually charged, ensuring he was always at his peak

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