Knights and Flirty remarks

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Third Person POV:

At the Knights flirty remark, Arthur's smug expression immediately turned to one of shock, and Merlins equally shocked yet smug expression appeared. Arthurs blonde hair stuck to his forehead from the training session, and he stubbornly swipes it out the way in order to glare at Merlins beaming smile. Merlin's blue eyes were so focused on monitoring Arthur's facial expressions that he missed Arthur's knuckles going white as he gripped the hilt of the sword, his pale lips pursing together and thinning out, and the animistic darkening of his light eyes as he threw glares over Merlin's head at the cocky Knight.

He didn't seem to notice, and if he did then he just didn't care.

He snapped an order at Merlin quickly, keen to get Merlin out of the company of the young foreign knight as soon as possible. Merlins smirk widens impossibly and he responds with a cheerful but sarcastic "yes, Sire" That only seems to increase the thunderstorm hanging over Arthurs's head, and Arthur looked like he really wanted to hit something.

Anything really.

Preferably the Knight.

Lancelot and Leon trade concerned glances, and mutter excuses to get the oblivious Man away from his inevitable defeat as soon as possible. They successfully heard the protesting man towards where Gwaine, Percival and Elyan stand before forming a huddle around him.

"Just what do you think you're doing?" The man exclaims, arms flailing indignantly.

"Saving your hyde" Gwaine flippantly responds, glancing towards the fuming Princes. Percival nods gravely.

"From what!?" The man retort, laughing.

"The Prince" They respond in sync and the stern expression on their faces smother the man's humour almost immediately. Now he just looks confused.

"You see, there is something you need to know about Merlin-" Lancelot is cut off when the Prince - for lack of better words to describe it - shoves his way in between him and the Knight, slinging an arm around the mans shoulders in a way that's supposed to look friendly, but instead looks an awful lot like the beginning on a chokehold.

"He's mine" Arthur growls right in the man's ear, clapping him on the back and then moving his hand towards the hilt in a silent threat/invitation. The brunette nods - gulping loudly - and the Knights smirk at the princes show.

"Arthur!" Merlin yells, "You better not be being a prat!"

Arthur smirks at the Knights, turning around on his heels to stalk towards Merlin.

And kissing him full on the lips.

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