graduation day

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"The President's daughter has arrived, everyone take your positions" was what my bodyguard said into his coiled earpiece. 

Today was my graduation and my parents couldn't attend. And they made my bodyguards attend instead of them making me feel more shittier than I already feel. 

I hate my bodyguards. They're always looking down on me. I heard them talking yesterday, and they said 'She's gonna be the same fucking damsel in distress but in a stupid graduation gown' while laughing. I hate that they make me feel like I am weak and worthless. 

I sat down and greeted my best friend Josie. My bodyguard was seated on the other side of me and the secret service were all around the place. The outdoor ceremony finally began and they started giving out the certificates.

"I'll go on stage alone, no one's gonna try anything" I said to my bodyguard.

"It's not like I want to follow you like a fucking puppy. It's my duty, so stop fucking whining" 

I clenched my jaw in anger. I then got in the line with Josie to get to the stage. My bodyguard was stood on my right. 

Out of nowhere, I heard the horrifying sound of a gunshot. I looked to my right to find my bodyguard on the ground clenching his bleeding kneecap. Instantly, the whole place turned into a screaming mess. I stood there in shock and fear. 

Suddenly, a gun was pointed at my head and a hand grabbed me, holding me captive. 

"SILENCE" my captor shouted. He ordered the students who were around me to get down on the ground. I looked around and found that all my other bodyguards and the secret service were fighting off other gunmen. 

"Listen bitch, you're gonna quietly follow me. If you try something funny, you're dead. YOU HEAR ME?" 

He started walking and dragged me along. I can't believe I'm gonna die like this. 

Just then, a bullet hit the shoulder of my captor. We both turned around and found Josie holding a gun. The gun that belongs to my concussed bodyguard.

The captor immediately ran towards her and pulled her hair. He started screaming at Josie and even pointed the gun at her forehead. Josie was crying and I panicked. 

I had to do something. Then, I spotted something. I quickly ran towards it and grabbed it. I had no time, I've got to be fast. 

Because if he shoots Josie, I'll never be able to forgive myself. 

I ran towards him and hit his head with a wooden chair in full force. Thank god for chairs in graduations. He was instantly knocked out. I quickly took the gun from Josie and shot his kneecaps to make sure he can't get up. 

I let out the tears I was holding in and hugged Josie like my life depended on it. 

"You saved my life Lauren"

"And, you saved my life Josie"

"See, you're no damsel in distress. You're a damsel in success

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