Luffy VS Don Krieg

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Krieg shoots multiple cannonballs trying to deter Luffy. When those do nothing, he shots his stakes, piercing the boy in the upper arm and his side from the way I can see him.

"Are you sure?" Sanji is shocked. "He's been hit multiple times."

"His mind is now set, and he is not going to retreat," I nod a few times. A small smile forming on my face.

Once Luffy is close enough, he flips back to grab the mast, flinging it forward to slam into Krieg. However, Krieg steps to the side to miss the shot, but Luffy is too pissed to really care. He throws his fist back, letting it stretch as far as it can go, causing Krieg to turn his entire cape into a spike hell.

"What a bitch," Sanji growls. "Covered in spikes. The whole thing."

"That is going to hurt like hell," I nibble on my bottom lip.

"Don't hit him chore boy!" The cooks shout out.

"Gum-Gum...Bullet!" Luffy's fist slams into the cape, which then slams right into Krieg's face to send him to the ground. His fist coming away a bloody mess.

"Hell yes!" I scream, my fist shooting into the air as I happily jump around.

"How in the world?" Sanji blurts out.

Krieg's pirates are losing their mind at the fact that their captain was taken down by a kid they didn't think was capable of anything. It is music to my ears.

"So, this grave is which one of ours again?" Luffy taunts. "Mine," he reaches up to pull the stake out of his arm with his bloody hand, "or yours." He holds the stake out as a smirk is present on his face. "See!? Don't count me out just because you know that you have sneaky weapons or a spiked cape up your sleeve! This is not my time to die!"

"He's crazy," Zeff steps up to Sanji and me. "I'm sure the girl already knew that, but watch him closely, Sanji."

"I've been around him my entire life, and he's always been like this," I happily sigh. "Rushing into a fight, and never backing down."

"It is not often that a fool comes along who has his eyes on something, and the only way to stop him is if he is killed. It can be a real pain in the ass to have that someone as an enemy. No matter if he wins or loses, I will always admire a man like that."

"If this isn't your time to die," Krieg slowly moves to stand up. "Then whose is it!?" He shoves his shield fist up into Luffy's stomach, sending him flying into the air. "I knew it. It is you after all!"

"No!" Luffy exclaims as he flips to smash his foot down on the top of Krieg's head. "It is still you!"

Krieg crash to the ground once more as Luffy stumbles a bit in his landing. The pirates still in the water are in an uproar that this is happening to their captain.

"He is the man who is going to be king," I breath out.

"Stop your foolish stammering!" Krieg bursts into a standing position, placing the shields on his hand together onto a stick as a spear tip protrudes from the shields. He smashes it into the section their standing on, causing Luffy to wrap onto what is left of the mast.

"The Might Battle Spear!" The pirates say in horror. "His deadliest weapon!"

"He's like a lame clown with too many party tricks," I grumble.

Krieg slams the spear at Luffy, causing the boy to fly out over the open sea. With quick thinking, Luffy reaches back to grab some railing and pulls him back onto a piece of wreckage. It is clear that he is slowly getting weaker from how long this battle has been going on.

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