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I had summoned him at midday. I sat slouched in an arm chair facing the fireplace, a book opened and unread on my lap. I wasn't sure why he hadn't come earlier. Yes, I understood he had other chores to accomplish and meals to eat (if they were not withheld again) but unless he had been worked until dinner he would have come sooner. It was an hour past midnight.

I traced the needlework on my skirt. As a girl I would have picked at it but I was a lady now and my mother had always liked good manners.

A hand to my shoulder startled me out of my trance. I looked up. Dark eyes met my own and I melted.


My heart sang. I smiled.

"You worry too much my little Lena." Isa's voice was heavy with accent, though I had gotten used to it in the two years we had been bonded.

"I'm sorry." I said, raising my hand to rest over the one she still had on my shoulder. "I should be spending this time with you."

Isa smiled and rounded the chair to crouch in front of me, leaning into the folds of my skirts, up against my knees. "Your heart is big Lena, you have given more of it to me than I deserve, I can share with others who may need it."

The goddess had blessed me with such a beautiful mate. I leaned forward to kiss her, my worries subsiding with her words and presence alone.
She kissed back softly, timidly, as always. Though she was strong and sturdy, unmoving in chaos, she was shy. It had been difficult to court her when she had never shown up to social events because of her shy nature. But time had warmed her to me and me to her.

I pulled back just as the door to the servants passage was pushed open. Both Isa and I looked over. Maci walked in and for a moment I thought she was alone.
But slowly Soot moved into the room after her.


My whole body screamed at the sight of him. He looked the same as the night before, physically. Though his hair was a shade darker than its natural white, and his knuckles red and swollen. His lips were dark pink, and dry , nearly looking like bruised and rotting fruit. His pants were charred at the knees and though I could see pink blisters through the holes it wasn't what alarmed me.

It was his eyes. The blue that had rivaled the waters of great river wasn't shining. His eyes looked like they were that of a deadman's, cooling and softening and decaying. Eyes without life.

I felt myself move from my chair and across the room as quickly as the clutter would allow. I raised my hands to cup his cheeks but stopped. He flinched, though it seemed like merely a bodily reaction as his eyes clued no fear or emotion of any sort. He wouldn't look up to meet my eyes, his own seemingly lost on their way to staring at the floor.

Broken. He's been pushed too far.

I licked my lips, trying to rid my mouth of the suffocating dryness that had come over it at the sight of Soot.
"Please sit." I managed.

He didn't move. I sighed quietly, steeling myself for what had to be done.

"I'm asking politely but do not think it is not an order." I didn't raise my voice at all but it seemed to cut through whatever cloud was surrounding his thoughts anyway.

He stepped, slowly. I moved towards the chair ahead of him, clearing a wider path through the stacks of books littering the floor.

Isa had moved herself to lean against a post of the bed frame. She watched silently as Soot moved towards the chair. I had asked Isa to be here tonight to get Soot measured for his attire to accompany Caspian (or Grimm as he was calling himself now) to the festival. Isa was no master seamstress but with the way Soot acted around everyone but Caspian I was hoping to lessen the stress on him by having her here instead. If we got his measurements we could pass them on to the royal seamstress anyway. But I could tell now that wouldn't be happening tonight.

Soot pauses at the chair, staring at it with a detached look for a moment before swallowing. He turned slowly, and sat even slower. He used his hands, gripping tight onto the armrests, to lower himself onto the cushioned seat. I could see his cheek sink inward where he bit the inside of it. He closed his eyes and through several breaths I could see his lip trembling.

Something was so terribly wrong.


He wouldn't look up, wouldn't release his grip on the arms of the chair. I crouched in front of him, leaving several comfortable feet between us. It looked as if he might shatter if I got any closer.

"I don't want to have to order you. Please, tell me what happened." I tried to keep my voice as soft as possible but it was difficult with my heart pounding in panic.

He closed his eyes, and tried to take in a calming breath. It shuttered and shook on its way in and out.

"Please, I want to help you."

We sat in silence for a long time. I needed to give him space, let him talk on his own. Eventually he did.

"There's a knight—" Soot paused, swallowing hard.

I wanted desperately to reach out to him, to comfort him. I shook my head. "I don't understand..."

"—he—" Soot opened his eyes blinking slowly and licking his lips.

His lips... in the light of the fire I could see them better. See the bruising that colored them dark purple like the rouge I put on mine.

"—he enjoys my body." Soot whispered.

I jolted are his words. And from the sound of it with their Were's hearing, Isa and Maci had heard his whispers too.

"What—" I begin.

"He tells me that while—" Soot trails off, seeming lost as to what he was going to say.

But I didn't need him to finish. I knew enough of the world to know what words might have followed.

I set my shoulders, determination filling me to my core. "I'm taking you away from here. Tomorrow morning we'll be off. You'll be safe."

Soot didn't react.

A|N: this is longer than I ever planned but it is what it is I guess. Hope you enjoy even though it's short. Classes are starting again and though it's all online it feels like more work than I was doing before. So I'm hoping I'll be able to figure it out so I don't slow down on edits again...
Don't forget to like and comment, it literally is the only thing that keeps me writing on Wattpad
Love y'all, hope you stay safe and healthy

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