🌹Chapter Three🌹

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"How's my favorite patient?" Dr. Nick asks I roll my eyes. Seriously he sometimes talks to me as if were a child and it's kind of annoying but he's the best doctor in the country and my mom pays him so well to be on my case. "You say that to everyone" I tell him and he gives me an odd look but we both know it's the truth.

He checks my vitals and pulse. "True, but I mean it when I say it to you" He tells me and I roll my eyes at him again. "No, I'm the one that pays you the most" I say and raise and eyebrow at him. He lets out a chuckle. "Fine, you got me but I still care about you" He says.

He takes up the chart and goes over it. "How are you feeling? Any pain? Complications?" He asks and I'm grateful that my mom isn't here. I don't want to worry her. "Just the same, it hurts my stomach and lower back when I laugh and I can't stand yet... oh, and I think I'm ready to go home..." I trail off with a hopeful look on my face.

His eyes look up from the chart and over to me and I give me a hard look. "You know I can't allow you to go home until I'm sure that your injury won't open up again" He tells me, the same words that he's been saying for weeks. Apparently the bullet damaged some organ which can open up.

"But, it has been days, weeks since the surgery and nothing has happened. I'm getting restless just sitting here all day, doing nothing" I tell him but I think he already knows that, because I always tell him. And it's the truth, I can't stand being in this hospital room any longer.

If I were to go outside, only to get fresh air the media would be all over me. Lena said that they are parked outside at all times and sleep there and have been since Alexander and I were taken to the hospital. Begging to hear from us but there are securities to keep us safe.

Like there are no visitors other than our families and in my case Lena, but for him there is only his parents, he doesn't even want to see Killian. Killian has visited me once but I was asleep at the time or I don't remember it. The first few days were a bit of a blur to me.

"You know..." He says as he sits on the bed and I've grown interested in this conversation. "Three years ago, I had a patient, similar to you. She was stubborn and strong and wanted nothing more than to get out of the bed. She was a horse girl you see, she longed to be out in nature with her horse. Truly I felt horrible when I told her that she could never walk again" He says.

I feel sorry for this girl, I've never been on a horse back but I've heard that it feels like flying and being in the wind. "What happened to her?" I ask him as he doesn't speak after that and I'm not even sure if he wants to continue, this story is obviously brining back memories, memories that I think he wants to forget.

"She refused to take my warning and she got on that horse" He tells me and I feel sad that she can't walk but she's still going on a horseback, however shouldn't that be dangerous? "You know what happened?" He asks me and I shake my head at that.

I see a smile on his face. "Just by one horse ride she gained the feeling back in her legs and could walk again even when told she would never be able. A true medical miracle, that is a rare thing. And still today she walks like a normal person and rides like no other" He tells me and I smile.

A beautiful ending. "Is that story meant to encourage me to escape the hospital?" I ask him and he lightly chuckles as he stands up. "No, it's supposed to teach you that no everyone will get that lucky. If you were released now, you would be free, free in the world but in matter of days you would lose all ability to walk and be stuck in a wheelchair for the rest of your life" He says to me.

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