Chapter 9

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A/n: Guess who's back!

Cayde: Me that's who YEAH!

A/n: Cayde will be here with me on this story making for now until I think of a place to put him.

Cayde: So anyway I have question that probably a few people are asking.

A/n: What?

Cayde: When are you going to update that Darklight Dragon story of yours?

A/n: I...... I have no idea just when I get the flow of story if you know what I mean.

Cayde: Yeah..... no.

A/n: *sigh* I'll get it done when I can including the other stories I made so anything else?



No pov

Back at the monastery Jackson was pacing back and forth trying to figure out what to do the Massager came back badly wounded but managed to get back to the monastery alive and Jackson was told what had happened and when the Three Factions came to say the least the meeting they all were in caused a lot of panic not only was the Berserker loose but Jackson's Master could no longer fight him since the power he gained from the Heavenly Dragons returned to them and Jackson's Master was the only one  skilled enough to take on the Berserker even if barely

Jackson: What can I do knowing Master he will fight The Berserker head on with or without the Power of The Dragons.

He looked outside of a window as he looked at the clouds Jackson then sighed as he went to the training room

Jackson: I just hope things don't get any worse

Y/n pov

Me and Flynn were bsck in the world that I came from as we saw Bela there shocked

Bela: Where were you I've been looking for you for hours and who is this?

Y/n: This is the Doom Slayer he is my battle brother and a professional demon slayer or in this case devil slayer he won't talk to you unless he knows you personal like me

Bela: Devil..... slayer...

Flynn looked at Bela with hatred Bela could no doubt feel his hatred for her she breathed in and out and walked up to him

Bela: Hello my name is Bela and I hope we get along.

I looked at Flynn as I spoke up

Y/n: She was raised by humans.

He nods as he then walks past her

Y/n: Have you found a way into the Underworld?

Bela: Yes but seriously where were you?

Y/n: In another dimension.

I walked past her as I caught up to Flynn as I Bela caught up and started leading us to the Underworld

In Remnant no pov

Roman: Hey Neo have seen Romana?

Neo [sign]: You mean the girl clone verson of you?

Roman: Yeah her have you seen her?

Neo [sign]: I thought you didn't like her?

Roman: What makes you say that?

Neo [sign]: You two argue.

Roman looks at Neo for a few seconds until he speaks

Roman: Okay yeah we argue but still she is like a sister I never had...... until I found her in that lab.

Neo [sign]: Why would someone clone you?

Roman: I don't know but I'm not going to complain about it.

Roman lights a cigar and walks off as Neo simply shakes her head and smiles but also wonders where the female clone of Roman had gone as she helps Roman look for her

Y/n pov

I was walking ahead to make sure no one was around then I head the sounds of a portal opening up as I looked around and saw portal above me


I held my arms out as I cought a woman bridal style as I then saw the portal close

Woman: Hey thanks for the catch so could you put me down.

I let go of her as she fell to the ground

Woman: OW you sure know how to treat a lady.

Y/n: I wouldn't call being a thief ladylike.

Woman: *gets up* What you knew I was a thief when you barely know me?

Y/n: I know one when I see them so as long as you don't try to rob me I don't care.

The woman looks at me for a few seconds

Woman: You look pretty tough....

Y/n: *sigh* Let me guess you want me to work for you?

Woman: Yeah...

Y/n: No.

Woman: Why not I'll pay you.

Y/n: I have no need for money

Woman: How about...

Y/n: If you think about using your body I'll kill you.

The woman back up

Woman: Okay then I how can I get you to work for me?

Y/n: Your not letting this go are you?

Woman: Not I got feeling that if I get you on my side then it will prove very useful in the future.

Y/n: Okay then if your so determined I need your help killing four leaders for a race called devils that are weaker versions of demons.

Woman: I will admit I didn't entirely get that but sure why the hell not.

The woman pulls out and lights a cigar as she puts it in her mouth

Woman: Since we are going to work together might as well know each others names mine is Romana Torchwick nice to meet you.

Woman: Since we are going to work together might as well know each others names mine is Romana Torchwick nice to meet you

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Cayde: Another harem member.

A/n: No.

Cayde: *looks at A/n*

A/n: Only if the readers want it so ho..



Cayde: Got to run bye🤣


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