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2 weeks passed by dreadfully slow. I was exhausted from working 24/7 at the company. I never expected it to be so overwhelming and time conservative.

everyday I did the same thing, I woke up at 6am, I ate a quick breakfast, got lectured by my father, and drove to work. I was so used to it that I didn't even need an alarm to wake up.

My father wasn't helping the situation either. He kept breathing down my back like a leach- Telling me what is acceptable and what isn't. he repeated the same things everyday that when he started speaking, I tuned out.

working at the office was simple, but took a whole lot of time. I spent 8 hours everyday either in my office or in a room meeting.

My employees were respectful and praised the floor I walked on. I gave them the same respect back. I know my father didn't treat them nicely when he was the boss and I can see that the office is more lively and workers are full of joy ever since he left.

I wish I could get rid of him like they could. I wish I could run this company on my own terms and not My fathers. I don't think he fully trusts me and that's why he comes to the building everyday to check things out.

I wanted to tell him to leave and I almost came to a point where I did, but stopped myself. I guess i just have to learn to live with him being with me every second of the day.

Vince and I haven't texted or called ever since I left Los Angeles. I like to think its because we're both busy adults running very successful businesses but there's a nagging feeling in the back of my head that he forgot about me or doesn't care anymore.

I'm not going to lie, I checked his socials for any sign of him, but he was as silent and as dead on there than in real life. I was upset of course,he said he'd call and text me whenever he could and maybe that whenever will never come.

Maybe he found some beautiful girl his age that doesn't have major daddy issues.

I smiled sadly and focused on the paper work in front of me. This was the 3rd file I've worked on today in a matter of 3 hours and the stack on my desk is slowly decreasing.

Alex is on his way to eat lunch with me over here at the office. He snapped at me when I suggested we should get pizza claiming that it was unhealthy and not good for our " skinny figure" I just rolled my eyes and sighed in frustration.

He said he'd get us both salad and hung up just as I was about to protest. That sneaky little hoe, just wait until he gets here.

I told my assistant to bring me a large box of Greek pizza before Alex got here. I know he's gonna flip out and give me a 30 minute talk on how pizza is bad.

I eyed the yummy pizza That's already on my desk, ready to be eaten. I licked my lips and resisted the urge to get a slice and swallow the whole thing down in one bite.

fuck it, i better take this opportunity now before Alex gets here and throws the whole box away. I reached towards the box and Just as I was about to open it, my office door slammed open. Alex stood there, overly dressed as usual, In a quite interesting pose.

He model walked his way into my office holding a big brown bag from his favorite place in the world; Monti's salads and more.

" please do come in," I joked rolling my eyes.

he just flipped his invisible hair and continued his ridiculous walk towards me. He got closer and aggressively stopped walking once he spotted the box of pizza on my desk.

He faked hurt and fixed his big brown eyes on me,
" You BITCH." he squeaked narrowing his eyes at me. He looked like he wanted to rip my head off of my body and sell it.

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